Friday, December 17, 2010


Here is the first of 3 posts I will be sharing
These are written to a friend of mine from Yedidah

Part I – Foundation Principles
Qualifications and Requirements

Want to learn correct spiritual warfare that brings results? Here is the first of a three-part series that has been long overdue. It will give you the wisdom necessary to have Yahuweh’s backing as you come against an ever-expanding enemy. I have written foundational materials on Scriptural intercession in “Correct Intercession and Spiritual Warfare in the Garments of the High Priest” and “Intercession: Knowing the Basics”, but not until now isolated the rock bottom principles needed to do correct spiritual warfare. The final battle of the ages has now commenced – Yahuweh’s forces against the spirits of darkness—the ruling principalities and powers--rulers in high places over regions, nations, cities, religions and organizations, as well as the imps that are sent to torment and disrupt our lives. In this series I give you no theology. I give you no opinion. I give you only straight reality from a lifetime of learning how to get it right--from in-the-battle training by my mentor—the Spirit of Yahuweh. I want to help you to NOT be a “son of Sceva”. (Acts 19:13-16)

Ephesians 6:10-12: “…Be strong in the Master and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of Elohim so that you have power to withstand in the wicked day, and having done all to stand, stand then…”

I won’t go into the specifics of the “armor of Elohim” here, because you can read about it in the article mentioned above that shows each piece of armor’s relationship to the garments of the High Priest – the garb of the coming High Priest and King.
The heavenly battle has begun. The great end-time apostasy is rampant in the camps of used to be “believers”. Very soon the great battle in now raging in heaven will end with Michael throwing out Lucifer/Satan onto the earth—“that old Dragon”—who will go after the “woman” to destroy her “seed”—the remnant of Ya’cob--in “the last generation”. The fallen angels have been released from the pit to once again take bodies, (Revelation 9) and their leader, Apollyon, has arisen to ascend to world power. I have written about this recently, so will go on. For over 100 years now, there have been more martyrs for their faith in the Savior, especially in China/Asia, Middle East, Africa, Mexico and South America, than in all the history of the assemblies of Yahushua from the first century on. Few know about this because the persecution in about forty countries of the earth has been kept hidden from the western world. But, it is coming soon to the western world, and probably 1% of 1% has prepared by obedience and

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discipline, and are ready for it--if that many. This is why the strong, disciplined, trained and readied 144,000 have already been sealed, and are in place to
overcome in the onslaught--much like the “Gideon’s 300” (Judges 7) or Jehoshephat’s army of singers (II Chronicles 20).
It is interesting that Judges is the 7th book, and Gideon’s story of victory starts in the 7th chapter, and the key verse is verse 7. I have visited Ma’ayan Harod springs, near Afula. I saw where they had the water-slurping contest, right above the Jezre’el Valley below where the Midianites arrayed for battle.

Judges 7:7: “And Yahuweh said to Gideon: `By these three hundred men who lapped I will save you, and shall give Midian into your hand. Let all the other people go, each to his place’ ”.

(See the article “Gideon’s 300” to learn the process of His choosing) Gideon started out with 32,000 all gung-ho for battle—zealous and revved up for action.
Judges 7:3: “…`whosoever is afraid and trembling, let him turn back and leave Mount Gil’ad’. And twenty-two thousand of the people turned back, while ten thousand remained”.
Spiritual warfare is much like physical warfare. No fearful or whiners allowed! This is real business, and the enemies we face today in the spirit realm are far more dangerous than the Midianites. The true warrior knows his enemy well!
It was said of Ariel Sharon in his book Warrior, that he knew every flower and tuft of grass in the Negev Desert – he knew his territory, and he knew the enemy well. This is why he was such a successful General. The true warrior is focused on what his commanding officer is telling him to do. He is sold-out, loyal, and unflinching in his obedience to his commanding officer.

II Timothy 2:3-4: “No one serving as a soldier gets involved in the affairs of this life, in order to please only him who enlisted him as a soldier”.
I Peter 4:1-2: “Therefore, since Messiah suffered in the flesh, arm yourselves also with the same mind, because he who has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin, so that he no longer lives the rest of his time in the flesh for the lusts of men, but according to the desire of Elohim”.

Adjust your priorities! The “Gideon 300” were chosen by how they lapped the water at the Ma’ayan Harod spring. Out of the 10,000 remaining, 9, 970 were sent home also--they drank water by kneeling down and sticking their heads in the water to drink. THEY TOOK THEIR EYES OFF THE ENEMY!
It is senseless to stay on the Internet to learn what the enemy’s doing, when Abba’s Spirit is well able to show us the enemy that we have to deal with, and give us wisdom regarding his position. He will help us choose our battles—they are not all ours!
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But, we must not stick our head in the sand either—the enemy is very real, and we must learn his capabilities, his maneuvers, his nature and thinking--to keep from being deceived.
The three hundred bent over and dipped one hand into the water, and then brought their hand to their mouths and lapped the water like a dog laps with its tongue—they never took their eyes off the enemy in the valley below!
When I walk around a lake in Florida, even in housing developments, I know that oftentimes alligators are in the lake. If I turn a bend in the path and see an alligator lying across my way, I will probably have a surge of fear. Humans have a defense system built in that warns us of potential danger. That’s normal. But,
my immediate reaction to seeing the alligator would be to boldly command the alligator to turn back into the swamp in the Name of Yahuweh. I’ve had animals do this. But, I’ve also had demon-possessed humans come at me to kill me, and the rebuke in Abba’s name has caused them to stop. One such man, in a remote
area of Tanzania dropped to the ground at my feet (close call). He came up totally delivered—set free and rejoicing. I’ve had then growl at me, too – and even try to kill me – but I never have had any fear--I know who backs me! After I was filled with the Spirit in November of 1966, I began preach on the streets of “skid row” in Los Angeles at all hours of the night—sometimes He would anoint me with such boldness that gangs were fearful of me, and would surround me wanting to know the source of my power. Of course, I preached salvation to them. This power is only for those who use it for HIS ESTEEM AND HONOR!
Luke 24:49: “And, behold, I send the promise of My Father upon you, but tarry in the city of Jerusalem until you are endued with power from on high”. One must never even attempt to go against the powers of the Satanic world without this “power from on high”!
I was in the high desert of New Mexico on the Navajo reservation. I was walking and praying. I picked up a small piece of driftwood that looked just like a snake. Abba spoke harshly: “Put it down!” I balked since I thought it was harmless. He spoke even more harshly “PUT IT DOWN”! I threw it down. I know His voice and His personality. About ten minutes later, while bending over to pick up another piece of driftwood, I heard a sound I’d heard on a National Geographic program. I froze in place. Finally it hit my brain what that sound was. I slowly lifted my head, but not my body. I was looking right at a rattlesnake ready to strike. My reaction was boldness—I called out Messiah’s Name, and commanded the snake to uncoil. It obeyed me. I slowly raised my body, and preached it a sermon while it tilted its head to the side and listened. If I had disobeyed Abba and kept the snake-shaped driftwood, I know the snake would have struck me--He would not have backed my authority against it. The tests come. If we fail to obey, then He cannot stand with us to protect us, or help us! Learn this lesson well and fast! If we do not obey in the small things, He won’t stand with us in the big things!

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In Mark 5 we have the story of Messiah on his way to heal Jairus’ daughter. He is distracted by another need. By the time He got ready to go with Jairus, a servant came to tell Jairus (ruler of the local synagogue) that his daughter had died. Mark 5:36 is one of my favorite verses: “As soon as Yahushua heard the word spoken, He said to the ruler of the synagogue `be not afraid, only believe’ ”. You can read the rest of the story. But, once Elohim personally gives you the promise, it will be fulfilled exactly as He says – and no obstacle can prevail. But, to receive it requires what I call “bull-dog faith”--NO FEAR--just stubborn, bold faith--but faith based on what He has said, not on what we want, not on what we think, and not on presumption or hope.
I remember a story Joyce Still told. Her dear friend had a daughter dying of leukemia. Abba had told her friend that He would heal her daughter. Her friend asked Joyce to agree with her in prayer for the healing. Joyce said she would stand in prayer for her daughter’s healing. A few months went by, and her friend called her. She said, “Joyce, do you still believe that my daughter will be healed?” Joyce said, “Yes, of course”. The friend said: “My daughter just died. Come to the hospital”. Joyce went. The girl had been dead about an hour--just like Jairus’ daughter. They stood over her body in faith, expecting the promise of Elohim—for her life to be restored and for her to be free of leukemia. Within a few minutes, the girl sat up, healed and totally restored. Isn’t this what happened in the house of Jairus? Why not now?

Matthew 17:20: “If you faith as a grain of mustard seed, you shall say to this mountain `be removed into another place’ and it will be removed, and nothing will be impossible to you”.
Tragically, like Mark 11:22-24, these verses have become part of the rhetoric of the “name it and claim it”, “blab it and grab it” movement, which seeks to manipulate “God” into doing whatever one wants. (Please study on real faith through my manual “Faith Walk” and “Daily Flowing in His Perfect Timing”.)
The Word must never be used to get what we want!
In proclamation to the enemy, a bold servant backed by Yahuweh needs only to speak to the enemy once, with boldness. Messiah taught His disciples to use the authority He gave them, thus the joyful report of the 70 disciples in Luke 10. But, you must not take what He said to 70 trusted friends and use it to claim what you selfishly want for yourself or someone else. The ability to speak and have it come to pass is only available to those who are backed by Elohim’s authority. He only backs those He absolutely trusts. And He only gives authority and trusts those He knows well!
This is how Eliyahu could say to Ahab: “As Elohim lives, before whom I stand, it shall not rain these days at my word” (I Kings 17:1) Abba backed him totally because He trusted Eliyahu to only use His words under His authority.

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Neither faith or spiritual warfare must be used for personal gain! It is dangerous to use the principles of Yahuweh to advance ones’ self, or get for one’s self what is selfishly desired! We must never demand that Yahuweh do what we say--He is not our servant. Sometimes, in praying for our family, we have false mercy, false tolerance, false responsibility—we don’t see the family member as He sees them. And, Abba wants you to stop trying to control what happens to that family member so that He can do what He knows to do for them, or to them.
Sadly most people face illusionary dangers and get fearful-terrified of “what might be”—crumbling, just like the wicked who flee when no one pursues. The Spirit is given to us to tell us what is illusionary and rumor, and what is real. Then there is the real, hidden in deception and illusion. We face that a lot now—“false flags.” (Refer to the article by that name)
It takes practice to learn His ways, and to adjust to His nature and His thinking. The more one knows Him personally, the easier it is to hear and obey without hesitation. I have had personal interaction with Yahuweh since age four, but in the last four months I have taken a quantum leap in developing a firm trust in what He says like never before. He has directed my every step, telling me things ahead, and leading me like never before. My boldness has grown greatly. I know Him better now than ever in my life! I know His voice. If He says something, I know it is embedded in flint rock, unmovable--no matter what I see in the natural that may say otherwise. Faith must back everything we do and say!
This verse has become a strong refuge for me: Psalm 32:8 in the Hebrew Tehillim, Abba says: “…I will guide you by what I have I have seen.”
He never says to “Go forward”, then says “retreat”! Retreat is not in His personality! He leads forward, even through danger, because He sees from an eternal view. Don’t put a pagan god’s personality on Him—He is not wishy-washy.
“Elohim is not a man that He should lie, neither the son of man that He should repent—has He not said and will He not do it! Has He not spoken and will He not bring it to pass?” (Numbers 23:19)
Numbers 11:23: “Is the arm of Yahuweh too short? Now see whether My word will come to pass for you, or not”.
These three verses were my mainstays these last four months, as I followed His directions exactly, and saw Him do as He said!
Yahuweh has a “plumb-line” personality! Once His Word goes into the earth, either written or spoken, it never returns to Him. Nor does He back-peddle. Neither does He lead us into a trap. If you won’t obey, He’ll get somebody else. He won’t be thwarted by someone’s disobedience!
We must be personally taught. A “disciple” is a “taught one”. A good servant is promoted according to his faithfulness, and often becomes a trusted friend of the Master. Abba has backed me by His authority for a long time. But, it has

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taken a lot of years to develop the relationship I now have with Him. I began commanding storms to go away when I was in my early 20s. He backs what furthers His will! If a storm gets in the way of His will, then He backs the command for it to stop!
I John 5:14-15: “And this is the boldness that we have in Him, that if we ask whatever according to His will, He hears us! And if we know that He hears us… we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him”.
In 2004, I was on my way to do an intercession assignment from Abba over the Gulf of Mexico. Houston had been flooded for days. A friend was supposed to go with me, but her husband said she could not go because the weatherman said the storms were increasing and Houston was due for more flooding. I told her to tell Norman that on the morning we were to leave by Abba’s instructions, the weather would be clear and sunny over Houston--no flooding, just fluffy white clouds in the sky. Norman knew me, so he said “OOOOO-K”. The next morning we were to leave at 7:00 AM. On the 6:00 AM news, the newscaster said: “We don’t know what happened but the storms have ceased over Houston and the flooding has gone”. I just smiled—thank you Abba! The sunny, warm, fluffy white cloud scenario became His pattern--every time I went to do an assignment for Him, even if the day before and the day after had bitter weather.
Recently before going to Bolivia, to the highest and most remote capitol in the world--over 13,000 feet--the weatherman reported minus O degrees with snow and ice. I told my friend, who was going with me, that it would be warm, sunny, with white fluffy clouds. It was! It was in the 80s F. It was a perfect day. Two days later we were in the airplane waiting to take off at 6:00 AM, and the captain said: “We won’t be able to take off for an hour due to storms around La Paz”. My friend and I just smiled.
I learned a long time ago not to “tick off” Messiah, especially on the way to an assignment, by whining for Him to do something that I was well able to do myself. (Mark 4:35-5:1) If He says: “Go to the other side”, then we go. If a storm gets in the way, rebuke it – tell it to stop! Messiah expected His disciples to do just that, and let Him sleep. Mark 4:40: Messiah said to them: “Why are you so afraid? Have you not yet obtained faith?” In other words—I told you we were going to the other side—what’s your problem?
Fear, whining, complaining, hiding in excuses, taking refuge in lies or self-created fantasies, putting a personality on Abba that is not Him – all are tactics of cowards and weaklings. We are called to overcome to the end, and believe
me we will have horrendous obstacles to overcome. We must begin today to discipline ourselves for what’s ahead, in all ways!
If we won’t discipline ourselves, He can’t use us to go against a strong enemy. He won’t back undisciplined laziness. The true warrior walks into the face of “Ahab” and says: “It won’t rain because I said so” (I Kings 17:1). But, Eliyahu

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was well disciplined, and his authority was 100% backed by Abba because as the verse starts out: “As Elohim lives, before whom I stand…” I’ve had to command “it won’t rain” several times, in order to get safely out of the jungles of Africa.
We must dwell in His presence! He has to know you. He has to trust you. He has to back you—or else you will fall on your face before the enemy! He won’t fool with a fool who plays games with known truth!
Then there is “paralyzing fear”—fear that takes over and freezes a person, affecting their decisions in the negative. Paralyzing fear cancels faith. Faith is based on one thing—what He has said to us personally from the Word or directly through those 40 different ways that He speaks. He is very verbal to those servants that obey without excuses. (Refer to: “Forty Ways Yahuweh Speaks to His People”)
I got in trouble with some wives of elders who were offended at my articles “Linked Arm and Arm” and “Fear Tactics”, but I can’t compromise truth! Revelation 21:8 says that the fearful and the cowardly will go into the lake of fire along with the whores and murderers--because “…without faith it is
impossible to please Him!” (Hebrews 11:6)
Habakkuk 2:4--“The just shall live by his faith”.
“…Whatsoever is not of faith is sin”. (Romans 14:23b)
Being temporarily scared because of what is – is natural. You’d be kinda weird if you saw an alligator in your path and didn’t have a twinge of “ohmagosh”. But, the reaction to what is determines whether you are fit for battle, or a coward.
I plead with you: Get off those fear mongering Internet sites! Feed your mind the promises of the Psalms! Praise Yahuweh! Praise Yahushua! Dance before Him in joy! Stop letting your mind be a dump for sewage! Stop being a voyeur and calling sinful movies “entertainment”. Clean up your mind and humble it to obey what Abba is trying to tell you in your spirit!
If you’re overweight, get out and walk, stop eating health-destroying foods--discipline yourself! Neither can you face the hierarch demons that are coming into this earth with a mind full of CSI, or deceiving rumors off Internet! Stop fear in yourself and in others! Don’t be guilty of spreading rumors and fear!
Hebrews 12:1-11: Discipline is for sons only—if one does not yield to discipline by the Master, they are called “bastards” – King James Version.
ONLY FEAR YAHUWEH! He holds your eternal life in His hands!
The word “fear” in relationship to Yahuweh throughout the Word is: “paralyzing, traumatizing, terrifying fear” – in other words: “Set-apart Yahuweh of Hosts, and
let Him be your fear and let Him be your dread” (Isaiah 8:13-14)
“…He is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart”! (Hebrews 4:12)
In Scripture almost all the time the “heart”, which is “deceitful and desperately

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wicked” (Jeremiah 17:9-10) refers to the mind and emotions—the soul—the life force that contacts the natural world through the five senses. The soul is the seat of the sin-prone nature. Thus, “who can know it?” – Only Yahuweh! If one is truly born of the Spirit, and filled with the Spirit, then Abba’s Spirit gives the
power to us to subject the soul under His authority! The mind is one’s worst enemy. The mind is the battlefield. If you conquer the mind, and subject it to the authority of the Spirit in your spirit, then you can have authority and boldness to go against the enemy of your soul. If the soul controls the spirit, and Abba’s Spirit is suppressed, then there is no power to go against the enemy.
The enemy is not stronger than Yahuweh, but the Lucifer-fallen angel world is stronger than we are--in the natural realm. If we go against the enemy in our own soul-zeal, based on misconception of our spirituality, without His armor shielding us, and His backing, we will be defeated. He won’t back misplaced zeal. He only backs what He commands.
Therefore, self-deception seems to be the greatest problem with “believers” of the West. All too many are like toddlers who pretend to be mighty warriors in the face of their teddy bears, but if a real foe presented itself, they’d be terrified and scream for mommy. The tests to come will prove everyone’s real self. But, an untested soldier in a battle is dangerous to himself and to all around him. (Deuteronomy 8:2-4)
We must look squarely at II Thessalonians 2:8-10. Yahuweh will send a strong delusion to those who are fearful of the truth, so that they will believe a lie and be damned. Two years ago, I had many people who wanted to know the truth about the fulfillment of prophetic Scripture, happening all around us--I was constantly teaching in meetings. Now, few want to hear. Now, even those who want to hear and are planning meetings, warn me that few will listen. One of the main reasons they give is that most are so filled with “fear”, or apathy.
But, a few months back, Abba said: “It’s time for the watchmen to come off the walls, for the enemy is at the gate!” The time of warning is over. Few have taken the warnings and acted. Most got scared for a few days, then went back to sleep. I’ve heard reports from several Messianic friends who have moved out of America, that their former congregation friends have gone back to sleep, and no one is preparing anymore for anything. The watchmen have laid down their lives to warn the people (Ezekiel 33:1-7), but as in Ezekiel’s day no one listened until Nebuchadnezzar attacked. The Jews of Germany went on with life as usual until Hitler attacked. These are the “foolish virgins” of Matthew 25.
Luke 16:8: “And Messiah commended the unjust steward for he had acted wisely—for the children of this world are, in their generations, wiser than the children of light”. True! -- The wily wisdom of the world brings
results--right or wrong. Yes, all types of seculars are setting up in other countries and doing well – believing in their own abilities to produce. But, the children of Yahuweh, who have been warned for 2,500 years, repeated in

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Revelation, to get out of America, have done nothing…and so most will perish in the destruction that is coming. Yahuweh starts really early with His warnings: Jeremiah was sent to every nation on earth with the message of the judgment that we will face in a very short time.

Don’t be discouraged if this is new to you, or if you’re just now starting out on this preparatory journey. The old cliché by Confucius is applicable: “The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step!”
Why do you want to learn spiritual warfare? -- To go against the “wiles of the Devil” on behalf of your family, congregation, friends, or for your own life? That is good! But, there is a higher purpose for spiritual warfare.
There are two types of spiritual warfare: 1) Warfare to loose the bonds of the enemy over others, and 2) Proclamations to the spirits of fallen angels themselves--bringing a message from Yahuweh, and to open portals for Yahuweh’s entrance to do His will. Gate opening for the King is what is most important now! In opening a gate for the King to do as He wills in the earth, you are also opening portals/gates/doors for the release of His remnant throughout the earth.
You must think on a higher plain than that of our own little world. This
is where spiritual warfare and intercession come together—placing the key in the lock to open doors. Intercession must be done on site. Spiritual warfare for those close to you, or for yourself, can be done where you are. But, spiritual warfare done over portals for Yahuweh and His remnant must also be done on site! Get yourself ready to be mobile! Let go of everything that entangles you.
Hebrews 12:1-4: “We, too, then, having so great a cloud of witnesses all around us, let us lay aside every weight and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race set before us, looking to the Princely Leader and Pefecter of our faith—Yahushua—who for the joy that was set before Him enduring the stake, having despised the shame and sat down at the right hand of the throne of Elohim. For consider Him who endured such opposition from sinners against Himself, lest you become weary and faint in your lives. You have not yet resisted unto blood—striving against sin”.
I’ve seen the “cloud of witnesses” clearly three times. They saved my life at one point, in Uganda. They are cheering us on. Read Hebrews 11 – that’s them!
Are you able to discern the difference between what is of the Devil and what is Yahuweh trying to discipline you? Are you submitted to Him to the point where He can tell you truth and you won’t balk at it? Most think “attacks” are from the Devil, when much of the time it is Yahuweh trying to grow them up. Most of what people call “attacks” of the Devil are simply the result of their own wrong decisions. You might have physical problems because you did not discipline your

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body. You might have marriage problems because you married outside of Abba’s will. Your kids might be messed up because you did not discipline them as children. We must go to the root of the problem with Abba’s help, and cut the root. You must close all doors to the enemy against future attacks!
Deuteronomy 8:2-3: “You shall remember all the way which Yahuweh your Elohim led you these forty years in the wilderness—to humble you, and to prove you, and to know what is in your heart, whether you would keep His commandments or not”. Yahuweh is constantly testing us! If we pass, like Job did, then we advance and go forward, if we fail we go backwards, and sometimes people go all the way back to darkness.
Messiah instructs us well—that we must first bind the strong man—the chief principality--and then we can destroy his cohorts. But, the strong man might emanate from your own deceived thinking—your excuse-making for not doing as
He has instructed. Be Honest with yourself! (Matthew 12:28-29; Mark 3:26-27) Only the Spirit has absolute understanding of your deepest self – go to Him. Ask Him to reveal to you “any wicked way” and to lead you into all truth.
The only way a person can make a wrong decision is by being led by their own head reasoning or the wrong reasoning of someone else.
Those that are led by and taught by Abba’s Spirit, and who obey totally, make no mistakes in either their thinking or their actions! But, sad to say, He has ceased talking to the majority of people because they don’t obey Him anyway.
One thing I learned a long time ago, and taught pastors in Africa, is to go on the offensive with the enemy. Going on the defensive, once he’s already in your house, in your life, in your children—you have a 40-50% chance of running him off—if you’re able to do it. If you hear a knock on your door, and you open
it and there stands the Devil smiling at you, and you invite him in for tea, he’s not leaving. By the time you realize you’ve made a horrible mistake, you’re in a big mess. You can go on the defensive and try to get him out, but most of the time he wins the right to stay, and he wears you down. Then most become content with him staying, and go on as if he’s not there.
Or – you can hear a knock at the door, open it, discern it is the evil Devil, and tell him to go away and never return, then slam the door in his face. That’s offensive warfare! Once he gets the idea that he is going to get the door slammed in his face every time, he won’t bother you.
The enemy knows our weak points. He knows doors we’ve left open to his entrance. He, being a legalist, comes right on in. TV opens doors, control of others, stubbornness, rebellion, love of money, refusal to discipline children, and on and on – there are thousands of doors we can open in our lives, and if he finds one—he’ll come on in for tea. Some doors require “deliverance” to shut. Some, like “familiar spirits” or “generational curses”, require assistance from Abba’s warriors. But, most of the time, our “attacks” are because we’ve opened

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doors. Close all doors to the enemy. Some of the doors might be false mercy, false tolerance of wrong, false responsibility, false thinking gendered by religion.
Daniel 11:32: “The people who know their Elohim shall be strong and shall act”. The secret is: KNOW YAHUWEH--His nature, ways and thinking, and fearing Him enough to obey Him without whining, compromise and retreat.
Teaching spiritual warfare is kind of like giving someone instructions as to how to swim, or how to ride a bicycle. It won’t do you any good unless you get out of your comfort zone and apply the wisdom. The article “Walk the Hard Road” has changed lives, because a few have put its principles into action. “Faith” is an action word – wisdom is of no use unless applied. What I write here, as in many of my articles, is do or die information.
I had to learn spiritual warfare quickly forty-four years ago for survival. I made a lot of mistakes. Thus I have gained wisdom. You don’t need to make the same mistakes. You don’t have time to make mistakes! Now, I must apply the wisdom more than ever. But, this has resulted in being able to deliver many from strong demonic oppression.
Go over the list of forty things that happens when a person is truly born of the
Spirit, and see if you fit that scenario. (Refer to: “The True New Birth”) If you do not fit the criteria of the Word for one born of the Spirit, then humble yourself and repent of your sins. Commit your life to following the Master Yahushua, who leads you to Yahuweh and His Kingdom, unreservedly. Submit yourself to being
filled by the Spirit and controlled by Him. (Romans 8:14) Allow Him to transform you into the image of Messiah (II Corinthians 3:17-18)
No one in their right mind would go into warfare with a powerful enemy if they still have fond attachments to the enemy’s kingdom. We must be freed by the
power of the Spirit in the true new birth, and come completely out of the kingdom of darkness. Otherwise, the kingdom of darkness has every legal right to destroy you, for they still have claim to you. You must be empowered by the Spirit, filled by the Spirit, and led by the Spirit to do successful spiritual warfare.
“The fear of Yahuweh is the beginning of wisdom!” But, it is also said of our day: “Truth has fallen in the street”… (Isaiah 59:14) Truth demands change. But most are hiding in their “refuge of lies”, contentedly waiting for someone to come along and transport them to glory without their having to do anything. People are finding refuge in all types of lies—deceptions/illusions of fantasy. No one who does spiritual warfare must hide in deceptions--for they will have no power against the enemy, and Yahuweh won’t back them.
The cost of discipleship is everything! (Luke 14:25-33) Unless we are self-disciplined regarding our own life, how can we submit to His discipline? Death is “self” is imperative if we want to go further with Yahuweh!

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Luke 10:19 is NOT a license to go against the hierarchies of Satan in religious zeal. Messiah spoke to 70 people that He trusted. If He can’t trust us to stay within His perimeters, then we’d better keep quiet. We can’t claim what He does not give to us … He is a Personal Elohim!
Many years back, when I was still a charismatic minister, I wanted a house in Fort Worth, Texas. I “claimed” a really lovely house, and began a “name it and claim it” routine. We did not get the house. I got mad at “God”. Why had He failed me? I was yelling at the Devil to get his hands off that house—it was mine. Abba very sweetly answered me: “Did I tell you it was your house?” I was shocked. I said “NO”. He replied: “Unless I tell you something is yours, it is not yours”. We must hear from Him before we do any commanding. Many go into warfare to command things that are not theirs to command. Abba doesn’t back them, and then they get in serious trouble.
One time I left my wallet sitting in a phone booth in the Dallas/Fort Worth airport. It had money in it, a $500.00 check, credit cards, and some important personal items. The moment I realized I had left it there, Abba immediately clamped down on my fear and said: “It will be all right”. I was not as confident
as I am now in accepting something like that from Him– but I calmed down. I stopped payment on the check. I cancelled the credit cards. I contacted “lost and found”, but it was not found. The next afternoon at 4:00 PM, I had my Bible open in my lap. I looked down and saw Psalm 116:7: “Return to your rest
oh my soul, for Yahwueh has treated you well”. My spirit smiled. I knew He was up to something good. I’m used to his leaps of joy in my spirit when He’s about to bring good. At 4:03 the phone rang. It was a manager of American Airlines ticketing at the Dallas/Ft. Worth area. He just happened to be across from the phones when I left my wallet. He just so happened to keep my wallet rather than take it to “lost and found”, where he said it would be stolen. I went to the airport, and he returned it to me, all intact! When Abba says something, it is for sure!
Fear going beyond the boundaries of His Word, to say or do anything outside of His protective perimeters. I can’t emphasize this enough!
Never forget II Corinthians 11:14-15: “For Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, that his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness, whose end shall be according to their works.”
Be careful to discern spirits. Make sure you know the difference between the spirit of man, the spirit of Lucifer and his angels, and the Spirit of Yahuweh. The only ways to discern are: 1) to know the Word very well as it interlocks from Genesis to Revelation, 2) to know the nature of Yahuweh, and 3) to be filled with His Spirit, and so have the gift of discernment of spirits.
No one had better attempt any spiritual warfare unless they are born of the Spirit and filled with the Spirit. It is by His filling that the empowerment

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comes, and His manifestations (gifts) that aid in the battle. It is by the Spirit within that we hear Him clearly, and are not deceived! Please refer to the studies “The Manifestations of the Set-Apart Spirit” and “Preparing for the Inevitable”, and the article “The Ruach and Sha’vu’ot”, to learn more.
The demonic world is a legalistic one – the fallen angels know their boundaries. If we do not tell them to “go to the dry places” for judgment, if we do not tell them “do not return”, if we play games with them, or follow some religious person’s formula – they have every right to jump, come back, and play games with us. This is not about garlic and crucifixes waved at Dracula. This is about reality on a real battlefield.
“Study to show yourselves approved unto Elohim—a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly handling the Word of Truth”. (II Timothy 2:15) The Spirit teaches the same things to everyone who will listen to Him.

You must stay within our personal Yahuweh-given authority boundaries. But, first you have to be known by Yahuweh so that He trusts you and will back you. Those who go off yelling at the Devil, going to “lay-lines” of demonic regions, those who do their hocus pocus like putting the wine and unleavened bread on demonic gates, those who hold hands in circles
like witches in a coven, those who think they are so big because they have a big mouth, end up with disasters in their own lives and the lives of their families--because the demons don’t know them.
Most do not use the real Names of Abba and Son, but names of pagan gods, or cheapened versions of Their Names. A once very powerful ex-satanist told me that in the pentagram, they use the name “Jesus” to call the demons, as well as dismiss them, for Iesous (Jesus) – is what the New Age people call an “ascended Master” – a demon of the underworld—related to Zeus, Bacchus, Sarapis and Osiris. Get the Name right! It has to do with fearing Him, and obeying the first and third commandments. Abba said to me, about 1998, “My tolerance for the use of the pagan names is coming to an end”. I was in a church at the time, having gone with friends I was visiting. I heard a shofar being blown behind me, several times. I turned around, again and again, and saw no one blowing a shofar. I investigated but found no one blowing a shofar. I believe one of Abba’s angels was letting me know that His mercy on ignorance was ending.

This is the most powerful rebuke in the universe. Yahuweh used His own name in rebuking Satan.

Jude 1:9: Michael rebuked Satan by using Yahuweh’s Name. 6, 823 times (Tenach alone) the word “Lord” is substituted for YHWH—Yahuweh. Why?

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Because His Name is all powerful against Satan, and Satan is terrified of it—so he had to shut it down, first with the Jews, then with the Christians, now with the laws of the whole world. Even Messianics are fearful of using His Name, breaking the 3rd commandment, bringing His Name to nothingness, to appease ridiculous Jewish superstition from Babylon. Messiah’s Name is Yahushua Yahuweh – He came in His Abba’s Name—the family Name.
Abba’s Name has been declared illegal in the homes and churches of Roman Catholics. Refer to the article: “Hated for His Name’s Sake”. His Name is illegal on the law books of the U.S. and all the first world nations. His Name has been banned from use, because those who use it are potential terrorists and cultists, they say. His Name is to be praised! His Name is to be used with honor and dignity in the mouth of His servants. It is not to be bantered around by the religious who do their religious thing, but do not care to know Him. It is to be held in the highest esteem. But, in warfare, He backs His Name in the mouths of those He trusts and backs – those who fear Him with set-apart fear.
Just because you use His Name in warfare does not mean He will back you – and the demons know that! Demons are fallen angels—those that left “their first estate” to follow Lucifer/Satan in his rebellion against Yahuweh. But, at one time they were in the throne room with Abba, and so they know how to deceive very well. But, in the mouth of a trusted servant, His Name is incredibly powerful!
If you want to do correct spiritual warfare, do not let the names of other gods be in your mouth – that includes titles that are names of other gods also. Let go of
everything to do with the counterfeits – especially the counterfeit that He calls the “great whore” of Babylon – the church. (Carefully go over the serious studies on the roots of Christianity and the true names of Father and Son: “The Foundation of Deception” and “The Hebrew Names and Titles…”) Yelling the
enemy’s names only makes him mock, laugh and snicker … it opens the door for him to retaliate! If you mix Christianity with the practice of Torah, they know
that too. We must come out of everything that Yahuweh will judge – including the whore of Babylon, and all of its daughters. The gods of Christianity and of all religions, which were ALL started by man with Luciferic guidance, have nothing to do with Yahuweh and Yahushua! They are outside of religion. The gods of Christianit, as well as of all religions, are NOT the Elohim of the Scriptures! -- but are counterfeits! The enemy knows if you’re coming at him with the real One, or with a counterfeit!

The sons of Sceva kept the Torah. Sceva himself was a chief priest. Just like observing the laws of America don’t give you special brownie points with the government, but the breaking of the laws brings judgment, so to observe the Torah protects you from the penalties for breaking the Torah. The Torah is the teachings and instructions of how to function in the Kingdom of Yahuweh

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without punishment. It’s the rules to be followed. But, so many are making their keeping of the Torah their god – depending on their goodness of performance for their salvation and protection. It only protects as long as our relationship is in good standing with the giver of the Torah. So many times in the Torah, Prophets and Writings (Tenach), Abba is angry at those who keep the Torah—“FOR THEY DO NOT KNOW ME”. Jeremiah 8:7-9 describes Rabbinic Judaism that came from the diabolical Rabbi Akiva in the 2nd century. He taught that the opinions of the rabbis superceded the direct word of Yahuweh, and demoted Yahuweh to just another rabbi with an opinion. (Refer to: “Rabbinic Judaism and Its Link to Rome”) It is still squarely in the Vatican’s lap.
“They say we are wise and the Torah of Yahuweh is with us. But look, the false pen of the scribe has worked falsehood. The wise shall be put to shame…See, they have rejected the Word of Yahuweh--so what wisdom do they have?” Most Rabbinic Judaism has rejected the Word of Yahuweh, and incorporated the demonic Kabala, Gamatria, the words of the Talmud and Oral Law, reincarnation, the zodiac and astrology, for the pure Word of Yahuweh as taught by His Spirit. But, then again, so has the religion of Christianity and its satellite Messianic movement. Whenever man has his self-centered finger in religious belief, it is defiled!
Jeremiah 2:8-9, 11, 13: “The priests did not say, `Where is Yahuweh?’ And those who handle the Torah do not know Me! `Therefore, I contend with you’ declares Yahuweh, `and with your children’s children I content…But, My people have changed My esteem for that which does not profit…For My people have done two evils: They have forsaken Me, the fountain of living waters, to hew out for themselves cracked cisterns which do not hold water’ ”.
Make sure you are not depending on your own righteousness, based on following religious principles set down by a religious leader! The sons of Sceva kept the Torah! But, they did not know Yahuweh!

The enemy must know who you are … for you to have any clout with him!
***Acts 19:11-16: “And Elohim worked unusual miracles through the hands of Sha’ul…But certain roving Jewish exorcists took it upon themselves to call the Name of the Master Yahushua over those who had wicked spirits saying, `We
exorcise you by Yahushua whom Sha’ul proclaims’. And there were seven sons of a certain man named Sceva, a Jewish chief priest, who were doing this. The wicked spirit answering said, `Yahushua I know and Sha’ul I know, but who are you?’ And the man in whom the wicked spirit was, leaped on them, overpowered them, and prevailed against them, so that they fled out of that house naked and wounded”.

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You can’t fool the demonic realm. You might fool those in your congregation, family, work associates, or other friends, but you can’t fool Yahuweh and you can’t fool the demonic realm. They are called “Watchers” – and they watch you. They know if you have hidden, sneaky ways. So, in coming against them, they can retaliate legally back on you—if they detect you are game-playing.
To clearly hear from Abba and follow Him, once has to be free of human dependency! One has had to forsake all except His voice.
I cannot stress it enough: When the command of spiritual warfare leaves our mouth, we must be under His authority totally!
We must fear saying anything that adds or subtracts from what He is telling us to say! This is major! Yahushua said many times that He did nothing and said nothing unless His Father told Him what to do and say. (John 12:48-50 is a good example) Are we better than Him? Do we have a right to thoughts that do not align to His Word? Do we have a right to speak our own words as we will? Do we have a right to do as we please? – No, not if we call Him “Master”!

Key verses: II Corinthians 10:3-6: “For though we walk in the flesh (the body), we do not fight according to the flesh. Or the weapons we fight with are not fleshly but mighty in Elohim for overthrowing strongholds, overthrowing reasoning and every high matter that exalts itself against the knowledge of Elohim—taking captive every thought to make it obedient to Messiah, and being ready to punish all disobedience, WHEN your obedience is complete”.

Training begins with small assignments! If you do well, you go on to bigger assignments. Do not attempt to go against the big powers of darkness without first passing your tests with the smaller ones. This is no game—this is the final battle of the ages! The enemy has the power to destroy you and your family if you play games in this arena!
His weapons include the power of the declarative in our mouth declaring His Word, His Name, the nine gifts of the Spirit including the discernment of spirits, praise and worship, “tongues of angels”, bold faith and zeal under His control--just to name a few. But, we must only do spiritual warfare if our thoughts, words and actions are 100% under His authority.

A lesson learned the hard way: One day after reading a book on spiritual warfare that described the demonic hell my children and I had lived in so many years, I
got mad. I came against the principality and power known as “Python”. By this time I was a strong warrior, a trained and seasoned warrior, but my emotions got in the way. Within ½ an hour, three of my children were in danger of death

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from car accidents, and my daughter-in-law lost a baby in the womb—my grandchild. She said she went into the bathroom and everything became very dark. She heard evil laughter and felt a strong band around her mid-section, and she lost the baby. I had taken a table knife to a T-Rex, so to speak. I had no right to attack that spirit. It is the principality over America—that is, like a python, crushing the life out of the American people.
The python spirit is headquartered in Arlington, Virginia, right across the Potomac River from Washington DC—major portal for Egyptian, Greek and Roman gods. But, it is also a god of Masonry from the Oracle of Delphi—an
oracle/prophecy of the return of Apollo (Apollyon/Abaddon—Revelation 9).
This principality is the highest of the snake spirits, including the anaconda spirit.
Only Messiah Yahushua has the power to bring down this spirit! We must learn our boundaries, and only do as He backs! I learned quickly. I pray you don’t get
foolish as you see things that are wrong become more wrong – but understand that He can only back what is of Him. He told me in Egypt very strongly that I
was not to speak to the Great Pyramid, as I had spoken to the stones of other megalithic structures, but only to the gods of Egypt. I learned later that it was because the Great Pyramid is HIS monument to Messiah and His Bride.

He trains, then tests. If we pass our test, then we get more training. If we keep passing, we get more personal attention from the Master. If we keep passing, we end up a trusted servant that He can work with. His tests are hard! Do not run from His tests!
He starts us off small. He does not send a weak one into battle with the strong
ones. Fear not—He will train you as an individual as long as you submit to Him and don’t get lazy! We get more promotions as we obey Him exactly without any additions or subtractions, balking, or excuses. If we balk at an assignment, He backs off. Fear His backing off--letting you go your own way!
If we drag our feet in doing what He’s said, He backs off. He won’t put up with a lazy, self-centered, undisciplined, self-righteous, servant who has his own mind
to do his own thing. The true servant has to be trusted by the Master 100%, and that can only be done by constant testing and testing.

Matthew 25:11-12: “And later the other virgins (the foolish ones) came saying `Master, Master, open up for us!’ And He, answering, said: `Truly I say to you, I do not know you’ ”. They could not go into the wedding feast, for they were unprepared. They had been lazy while the wise had been diligent.
Abraham trusted Eleazer to do exactly as he said. And Eleazer was so trusted
that Abraham not only put him over his household business, but over finding a bride for Isaac. Eleazer became his friend. If you want to be a friend of Yahuweh and Yahushua, then you have to be a trusted servant, under authority, not inserting your thoughts above His. (John 15:14-21)

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Prayer is not intercession, neither is it spiritual warfare! Prayer is to interact with the Master in order to hear Him tell us what He wants us to know. Messiah was in prayer whole night, then He went out to do as His Abba told Him. We must be “as our Master”. We must never usurp His authority!
True Scriptural spiritual warfare always done by the command/declaration of His will into the earth. It is never something that we take on ourselves.
You have to have the right Elohim if you’re going to do successful battle with the world of Lucifer! Make sure you are submitting to the right Elohim. ALL RELIGIOUS BELIEF SYSTEMS HAVE THE WRONG GODS.
You can only know the true One by two ways: 1) By studying the Tenach, and
learning His nature and His ways, and 2) by being guided by His Spirit into all truth.
The demonic realm is terrified of the Bridal remnant, for she is marked and sealed, and they cannot destroy her. They try … but she continues on. They fear her because through her the human race will continue, and the King will come for sure.
The Bridal remnant walks in the nature of Messiah--the fruit of the re-born spirit is listed in Galatians 5:22-24. By producing this fruit in your life, all men, and demons, will know you. If you are not living like the nature of Messiah, the demonic world claims you as one of theirs.
This is why personal, intimate, relationship with the One in authority over the demonic world must be the main priority of anyone who wants to learn or practice spiritual warfare! Total openness to Him is imperative, so that He might correct and teach at any given moment. Be ready to change on a daily basis as He shows you yourself.
In the days to come, we will face the return of the Nephilim, the Rephaim, and alien beings that are “fallen angels” in disguise, as well as the disembodied demons that we now face in part. We will face the onslaught of the son of Lucifer in flesh. But, we will also face betrayal by friends and family that will result in death. We will face horrors unknown to mankind to date. We’ve been warned. Don’t wait until something really happens big before you get a good grip on spiritual warfare. In a war zone, using weapons of warfare is a moment by moment necessity--like the IDF soldiers, you sleep with your weapon.
Sha’ul said: “Know you not that we will judge angels, how much more the things of this life?” If He has those He trusts that will judge fallen angels, how under His control must they be?

Please go over and over these instructions – these are the basic qualifications for doing spiritual warfare without retaliation!

More in Part II…

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Thursday, November 4, 2010

Elections 2010

Well, the elections are over, will that change anything? I doubt it. There will be so much hype and pontificating, but I'm sure nothing will get done. We are living in sad times.....Wars rumors of wars, famine, pestilence, I believe I read something about that....hummmmmmmm.......

Mat 24:6 “And you shall begin to hear of fighting's and reports of fighting's. See that you are not troubled, for these have to take place, but the end is not yet.
Mat 24:7 “For nation shall rise against nation, and reign against reign. And there shall be scarcities of food, and deadly diseases, and earthquakes in places.
Mat 24:8 “And all these are the beginning of birth pains
Mar 13:7 “And when you hear of fighting's and reports of fighting's, do not be troubled – it has to take place, but the end is not yet.
Mar 13:8 “For nation shall rise against nation, and reign against reign. And there shall be earthquakes in various places, and there shall be scarcities of food, and disturbances. These are the beginnings of birth-pains.

Luk 21:9 “But when you hear of fighting's and unrest's, do not be alarmed, for these have to take place first, but the end is not immediately.”
Luk 21:10 Then He said to them, “Nation shall rise against nation, and reign against reign.
Luk 21:11 “And there shall be great earthquakes in various places, and scarcities of food and deadly diseases. And there shall be horrors, and great signs from heaven.

Pretty interesting eh...... However, this is the scripture we need to lean on.

Mat 24:13 “But he who shall have endured to the end shall be saved

Mar 13:13 “And you shall be hated by all because of My Name. But he who shall have endured to the end, he shall be saved.

This is what we need to see, though things get tough and they get outa hand, we must endure to the end.......STAND FAST MY FRIENDS!!!!


Sunday, October 24, 2010

Catholic Church: Christ nullified God's promises to the Jews

Here is the latest from the Vatican.....LOL. We can see that the Scriptures are accurate in showing all nations will turn against our brothers. Things are getting exciting my friends......

Sunday, October 24, 2010 | Ryan Jones

A Catholic synod called at the Vatican to address the rising persecution of Christian in the Middle East wrapped up on Saturday with a joint statement that focused a lot of attention on demanding Israel end its “occupation” of Arab lands.
The gathering was meant to address the various acts of persecution, intimidation and discrimination that are resulting in a severe dwindling of Christian communities across the region.
But the bulk of the two-week meeting was spent discussing how Israel is the root cause of all the Middle East’s woes, including those faced by its Christians.
The final statement reflected that position. It listed the “occupation” of Arab lands, the building of Israel’s security barrier, military checkpoints, the jailing of terrorists (defined in the statement as “political prisoners”) and the general disruption of Palestinian life as some of the main reasons behind the exodus of Palestinian Christians and Muslim attacks on the Jewish state.
Cyril Salim Bustros, the Lebanon-born Greek archbishop of Our Lady of the Annunciation in Boston, Massachusetts was responsible for delivering the final statement.
In clarifying remarks, he stated that “the Holy Scriptures cannot be used to justify the return of Jews to Israel and the displacement of the Palestinians, to justify the occupation by Israel of Palestinian lands.”
He then escalated the situation by declaring that the original promises made by God to the children of Israel “were nullified by Christ. There is no longer a chosen people.”
Bustros rejected the idea of Israel as “the Jewish state,” and insisted that eventually all the so-called “Palestinian refugees” must return to the land, a sure recipe for the demographic destruction of the world’s only Jewish nation-state.
Mordechai Levi, Israel’s ambassador to the Vatican, decried Bustros’ comments and the damage they had done to strengthening ties between Israel and the Church.
The Catholic Church has for years been trying to repair its image as an institution steeped in anti-Semitism. But Bustros’ remarks make fairly clear that the Vatican remains as dedicated as ever to replacement theology - that teaching that says God has tossed aside the Jews, despite is irrevocable promises to them, and that “the Church” has instead inherited those promises.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Blessings to you

It has been a while since my last post..... Many things have gone on but the biggest is just that I have been watching the goings on of the country and the world. We need to carefully watch what is happening.....Evil is shown as good....... even to the point of the electorate trying to have us pick the lessor of two evils..... What ever happened to Truth and integrity? Man is digressing so quickly now..... a tail spin down....down....down.

Hos 4:1 Hear the word of יהוה, you children of Yisra’Ä•l, for יהוה has a case against the inhabitants of the land: “For there is no truth or kindness or knowledge of Elohim in the land.

I believe this scripture sums it up......

Hos 4:6 “My people have perished for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I reject you from being priest for Me. Since you have forgotten the Torah of your Elohim, I also forget your children.

All we have to do is look to scripture to see where we are, and what it will take to get back..... or have we digress so far that there is no return?????


Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Well, you knew it had to Happen


Obama Administration Approves First Direct Taxpayer Funding of Abortion Through New High-Risk Insurance Pools
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
By Susan Jones, Senior Editor

President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden react to cheers as they arrive in the East Room of the White House in Washington, Tuesday, March 23, 2010, for the signing ceremony for the health care bill. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)
( - If you want proof that President Obama's Executive Order on taxpayer-funded abortion was a sham, look no further than Pennsylvania, says House Republican Leader John Boehner (Ohio).

Boehner and other Republicans point to reports that the Health and Human Services Department is giving Pennsylvania $160 million to set up a new high-risk insurance pool that will cover any abortion that is legal in the state.

"The fact that the high-risk pool insurance program in Pennsylvania will use federal taxpayer dollars to fund abortions is unconscionable," Boehner said in a statement on Tuesday.

“Just last month at the White House, I asked President Obama to provide the American people with a progress report on the implementation of his Executive Order, which purports to ban taxpayer-funding of abortions. Unfortunately, the President provided no information, and the American people are still waiting for answers."

President Obama pledged that under his health care plan “no federal dollars will be used to fund abortions, and federal conscience laws will remain in place.”

In a May 13 letter to Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, Boehner asked if her department has provided guidance to the states on how to implement the president’s Executive Order on abortion funding. Boehner also asked Sebelius if the new federal high-risk pools would exclude abortion coverage.

He says his questions remain unanswered.

"Millions of Americans care deeply about this aspect of the new law and its implementation, and no progress report is complete without detailed information about it,” Boehner wrote to Sebelius.

The conservative Family Research Council says the $160 million in taxpayer funds for Pennsylvania is the first known instance of direct federal funding of abortions through the new high-risk insurance pools.

The abortion funding for pool participants validates the arguments pro-life groups made throughout the health care debate – that taxpayer dollars will fund abortions, said Tom McClusky, senior vice president of the Family Research Council’s political action arm.

“For our efforts to remove the bill's abortion funding, we were called 'deceivers' by President Obama and 'liars' by his allies. Now we know who the true deceivers and liars really are,’ McClusky said.

"This action by the Obama Administration also exposes the worthlessness of President Obama's Executive Order that supposedly would prevent federal funding of abortion, but which both sides, including Planned Parenthood, agreed was unenforceable.

"While the American people deserve an apology from President Obama for his deception, we should only be satisfied when this Pennsylvania abortion funding is rescinded and the health care law repealed.

McClusky noted that the new health care law also includes $12.5 billion for community health centers, and $6 billion for co-ops, both of which can fund abortions. And some people will use tax credits to help them pay for plans that cover abortion.

Even before it’s fully implemented, the Democrats’ health care plan “is already being exposed as a high-taxing, poorly thought-out, and taxpayer-funding-of-abortion monstrosity,” McClusky said.

Republican leader Boehner says House Republicans would codify the Hyde amendment, thus prohibiting all authorized and appropriated federal funds from being used to pay for abortion. Under the Republican plan, any health plan that includes abortion coverage would not receive federal funds.

Thursday, June 24, 2010


WND ExclusiveWND TV
Is oil catastrophe fulfillment of Genesis prophecy?
Video suggests biblical tie with U.S. treatment of Israel, rig explosion
Posted: June 23, 2010
9:47 pm Eastern

By Joe Kovacs
© 2010 WorldNetDaily

Is there a spiritual, biblical connection to the BP oil catastrophe?

A new video on YouTube is suggesting a possible link to the disaster due to America's recent treatment of Israel, and at least one well-known Bible analyst, Hal Lindsey, thinks there's a valid correlation.

The video was produced and posted today by Carl Gallups of the Hickory Hammock Baptist Church in Milton, Fla., and is embedded here:

"April the 19th, Israel celebrates its independence in 2010," Gallups says in narration on the video. "On April the 19th, Fox News reports that the U.S. will no longer automatically support Israel in the United Nations. The next day, on April the 20th, the Deepwater Horizon oil rig explodes. Coincidence? Or the hand and judgment of God?"

The minister cites an ancient promise God made to Abraham, the patriarch of the 12 tribes of Israel, one tribe of which is Judah from which the Jews derive their name.

In the Book of Genesis, God told him, "I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse ... ." (Genesis 12:2-3, New International Version)

The ancient warning of catastrophies has begun! Get the book that documents disasters tied to the forsaking of Israel

The video displays a screenshot of a Fox News story titled, "Obama and Israel: Showdown at the U.N.?"

Its first sentence reads: "The Obama administration is reportedly signaling another major shift in policy towards one of its staunchest allies, Israel, and this shift could change the way it votes at the Security Council. The change would mean an end to the U.S.' use of its veto power in the United Nations Security Council when certain anti-Israel resolutions are introduced for a vote.‪"

Gallups says while he was preparing his radio show, he wondered what else happened in the time frame of the rig explosion, to see if there was any connection to anything biblical at all.
Crude oil is seen on the surface of the water in the Gulf of Mexico near Biloxi, Mississippi on June 12, 2010, as it continues to leak from the British Petroleum underwater well after the Deepwater Horizon oil rig explosion. UPI/Casey Ware/U.S. Coast Guard Photo via Newscom

He found the Fox News article dated April 19, and said what's significant about the date is that it's Israel's Independence Day this year.

Although Israel's original declaration took place May 14, 1948, the annual celebration actually floats from year to year in Israel, based on the lunar-based Hebrew calendar, and took place on April 19, 2010.

Upon realizing the date connection, "I looked at that and chills went up and down my spine," he told WND. "That's when I knew there was a correlation. To me, I just immediately felt a spiritual connection to it. If you have a spiritual perception at all, it really hits you hard."

Are all these major events just a coincidence or awe-inspiring signs that God is actively involved with Israel?

Referring to Israel as a "prophetic signpost," Gallups said, "It seems to me we're turning out back on Israel, and that's a very dangerous biblical or spiritual place to be."

Gallups is not alone with the sentiment America could be under a curse from God.

"I believe this is evidence that when you turn your back on Israel, especially when you've been a supporter, you're gonna see judgments come from God," said Hal Lindsey, author of "The Late Great Planet Earth."

"It's finally reaching the point where God is removing His protection from us," he said. "I believe we back away from being a friend to Israel at our peril. We need to come back to be a supporter of one who is so important in God's plan."
WAVELAND, MS - MAY 05: A dead drum fish is seen laying in the surf as concern continues that the massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico may harm animals in its path on May 5, 2010 in Waveland, Mississippi. It is unknown if the fish died due to the oil spill. Oil is still leaking out of the Deepwater Horizon wellhead at a estimated rate of 1,000-5,000 barrels a day. (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

Regarding the oil spill specifically, Lindsey said, "I think that this disaster is just one of many disasters. Our country is falling apart economically. The current government is overturning our constitutional republic, turning it into a socialist country. That's about as big a curse as you can get. We just have one catastrophe after another and then we have this big wake-up call in the gulf."

Lindsey, who at age 80 is still active analyzing Bible prophecy on his website, said in preparation for his programs, he studies current world events, taking note of calamities.

"It used to be you'd have to hunt for things, but now it's a matter of sorting out which one you're gonna use. There are just so many catastrophes and disasters," he said. "That's a not a popular view to take, by the way, as critics will say, 'There they go again.' No one wants to address true judgment from God."

WND asked Lindsey if he thought we're now in the "end time" spoken of in the Bible before the return of Jesus Christ to Earth.

"I think the prophecies are written that they encourage us to look for Christ's return," he said. "It's written so that it's imminent, that it could come at any time."

"This is not an ordinary time," Lindsey continued. "I certainly thought that He would come sooner ... but the scenario and pattern about what Bible prophecy has predicted is here. I've never said I know when He's going to come, but I believe we're in the general time."

Gallups, meanwhile, is frustrated with YouTube, for freezing the hit counter for his video at 309 views, within a half-hour of its posting. He says the company often does this to his videos, if they have a theme even remotely critical of Obama.

"It is probably going viral," Gallups explains on the YouTube page. "It will probably be at false low counts for days. You Tube will not tell me why our videos suffer from this anomaly. Our other popular vids took three or four days to start moving with any sense of 'believability.'"

He also told WND, "I've gotten notes from several posters trying to upload it to Facebook. They get a warning or denial saying the content is abusive, request denied. I can't imagine what kind of content in that video would be abusive."

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Our World May Change At Any Moment!


From The Times
June 12, 2010
Saudi Arabia gives Israel clear skies to attack Iranian nuclear sites
Hugh Tomlinson


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Saudi Arabia has conducted tests to stand down its air defences to enable Israeli jets to make a bombing raid on Iran’s nuclear facilities, The Times can reveal.

In the week that the UN Security Council imposed a new round of sanctions on Tehran, defence sources in the Gulf say that Riyadh has agreed to allow Israel to use a narrow corridor of its airspace in the north of the country to shorten the distance for a bombing run on Iran.

To ensure the Israeli bombers pass unmolested, Riyadh has carried out tests to make certain its own jets are not scrambled and missile defence systems not activated. Once the Israelis are through, the kingdom’s air defences will return to full alert.

“The Saudis have given their permission for the Israelis to pass over and they will look the other way,” said a US defence source in the area. “They have already done tests to make sure their own jets aren’t scrambled and no one gets shot down. This has all been done with the agreement of the [US] State Department.”

Sources in Saudi Arabia say it is common knowledge within defence circles in the kingdom that an arrangement is in place if Israel decides to launch the raid. Despite the tension between the two governments, they share a mutual loathing of the regime in Tehran and a common fear of Iran’s nuclear ambitions. “We all know this. We will let them [the Israelis] through and see nothing,” said one.

The four main targets for any raid on Iran would be the uranium enrichment facilities at Natanz and Qom, the gas storage development at Isfahan and the heavy-water reactor at Arak. Secondary targets include the lightwater reactor at Bushehr, which could produce weapons-grade plutonium when complete.

The targets lie as far as 1,400 miles (2,250km) from Israel; the outer limits of their bombers’ range, even with aerial refuelling. An open corridor across northern Saudi Arabia would significantly shorten the distance. An airstrike would involve multiple waves of bombers, possibly crossing Jordan, northern Saudi Arabia and Iraq. Aircraft attacking Bushehr, on the Gulf coast, could swing beneath Kuwait to strike from the southwest.

Passing over Iraq would require at least tacit agreement to the raid from Washington. So far, the Obama Administration has refused to give its approval as it pursues a diplomatic solution to curbing Iran’s nuclear ambitions. Military analysts say Israel has held back only because of this failure to secure consensus from America and Arab states. Military analysts doubt that an airstrike alone would be sufficient to knock out the key nuclear facilities, which are heavily fortified and deep underground or within mountains. However, if the latest sanctions prove ineffective the pressure from the Israelis on Washington to approve military action will intensify. Iran vowed to continue enriching uranium after the UN Security Council imposed its toughest sanctions yet in an effort to halt the Islamic Republic’s nuclear programme, which Tehran claims is intended for civil energy purposes only. President Ahmadinejad has described the UN resolution as “a used handkerchief, which should be thrown in the dustbin”.

Israeli officials refused to comment yesterday on details for a raid on Iran, which the Prime Minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, has refused to rule out. Questioned on the option of a Saudi flight path for Israeli bombers, Aharaon Zeevi Farkash, who headed military intelligence until 2006 and has been involved in war games simulating a strike on Iran, said: “I know that Saudi Arabia is even more afraid than Israel of an Iranian nuclear capacity.”

In 2007 Israel was reported to have used Turkish air space to attack a suspected nuclear reactor being built by Iran’s main regional ally, Syria. Although Turkey publicly protested against the “violation” of its air space, it is thought to have turned a blind eye in what many saw as a dry run for a strike on Iran’s far more substantial — and better-defended — nuclear sites.

Israeli intelligence experts say that Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Jordan are at least as worried as themselves and the West about an Iranian nuclear arsenal.Israel has sent missile-class warships and at least one submarine capable of launching a nuclear warhead through the Suez Canal for deployment in the Red Sea within the past year, as both a warning to Iran and in anticipation of a possible strike. Israeli newspapers reported last year that high-ranking officials, including the former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, have met their Saudi Arabian counterparts to discuss the Iranian issue. It was also reported that Meir Dagan, the head of Mossad, met Saudi intelligence officials last year to gain assurances that Riyadh would turn a blind eye to Israeli jets violating Saudi airspace during the bombing run. Both governments have denied the reports.

Friday, May 7, 2010


With all that is going on in the world today, one might just ask, when? Yes, I too am getting tired of all the trash that I hear, and have to put up with. But the end is not yet.....

Mat 24:6 “And you shall begin to hear of fighting's and reports of fighting's. See that you are not troubled, for these have to take place, but the end is not yet.

Mat 24:7 “For nation shall rise against nation, and reign against reign. And there shall be scarcities of food, and deadly diseases, and earthquakes in places.

Mat 24:8 “And all these are the beginning of birth pains.

Yes, I do believe it is close, and I believe we may be getting ready for the last 7 what should we do?

We should stand....yes I said stand. The harvest fields are ripe, and ready for harvest......You see, we will be the reapers, we will bring in the harvest. People are getting tired of all the .... the ...stuff that is going on....From A to Z it is happening..... just read the news. Even it is beginning to be X rated....We are living in a time where we can make a stand for YAHWEH. We don't have to put up with the status quot. We may never be remembered in the history of mankind for our stand, .......but our names will be written in the "Book of Life". So what do you say, are you with me?

Saturday, April 17, 2010


This is it......The christian community is now calling abomination ...OK....I remember this girl from back in the 90's.....We even met her @ a christian book store......but to find this behavior is abomination at it's highest!

(CNN) -- Rumors were rampant when Christian music artist Jennifer Knapp walked away from a successful career seven years ago.

After selling about a million records and winning at Christian music's prestigious Dove Awards in 1999, the Grammy-nominated singer/songwriter simply vanished in 2003 -- leaving fans wondering where she had gone. There were countless theories as to why Knapp checked out, including the possibility of illness.

But the one that raised the most ruckus among her die-hard fans was the one which proved to be true: Jennifer Knapp is gay.

This week Knapp burst back onto the music scene with news of a comeback and a coming out. Her new album will be released in May, and she has revealed that she has been in a same-sex relationship for the past eight years.

The revelation rocked the Christian music scene, where Knapp was a darling of fans and critics before her self-imposed exile. The intensely private singer said she's not at all surprised by the shock waves.

"I'm aware that the evangelical community has problems with divorce and many other facets of their artists, let alone homosexuality," Knapp said. "I really felt a strong obligation to be able to address that because for many people, it was really clear that they wouldn't participate in buying a record because it was against their beliefs."

"For many people who buy Christian music or have been familiar with me and my writings as a person of faith, I felt like it was the honest thing to do," she added. "The last thing I wanted to do was to have someone go out and buy a record and feel like they had been hoodwinked."

Knapp is not the first artist to find fame in the genre before revealing their sexuality.

In 2008, Christian singer/songwriter Ray Boltz came out as a gay man after a 20-year career in the industry. In 2009, gospel star Tonex went public with his homosexuality as a guest on "The Lexi Show," a popular program on the Christian channel The Word Network.

Lexi, who is also a gospel music artist, said that while many in the Christian music industry are aware of who is gay, "we don't talk about it, because that's the unspoken rule."

Lexi said she doubts most fans will ever fully embrace an openly gay artist, but she points to other artists who have been able to straddle the line between secular music and songs of faith.

"I think some Christians will totally avoid [Knapp] and say that she is the devil and all that, but there are some that are more open who will embrace her new material," Lexi said. "Then she will find a new audience."

Mark Moring, senior associate editor for Christianity Today, was one of the first to write about Knapp's revelation and said it has been extremely polarizing among his publication's audience. People have vacillated between anger that Christianity Today would even write the story and praise for Knapp's honesty, he said.

"There are people who will always love Jennifer Knapp, no matter what decisions she may make," Moring said. "I think the word that I've read the most often [among those commenting on the Christianity Today web site] is 'sad' as in 'I'm sad that she has made this choice, but I still love her music.' I think that has been a recurrent theme."

Rev. DL Foster is the founder of the Gay Christian Movement Watch Web site and said he believes as society has become more accepting of homosexuality, Knapp and other artists are finding it easier to go public.

"For a person to try and combine [being gay and being a Christian music artist] is not biblically correct, and I would hope that the church would reject such music because it does not represent us," he said. "To me, it doesn't matter if you are openly gay or closeted gay, sin is still sin."

Knapp is very clear that she is not marketing herself as a Christian artist, a term with which she said she has never been comfortable. She's no longer on a Christian-based record label, and her new album of folksy rock songs is described as being about "inner-conflicts, spirituality and life lessons."

Knapp quit the industry and moved to Australia, she said, because she was simply exhausted by all the performing and unprepared for the challenges being a music star brought her way.

She said she began writing music again in earnest two years ago and the music, as well as the decision to go public with her sexuality, all happened "organically." Knapp said she is no longer afraid of her gifts as a musician and now realizes that who she is as a private person can remain intact even as she shares herself with the world through her music.

"I was tired of not writing because I was afraid of what other people were going to think of me," she said. "So for me it was a really healing process."

Knapp said she realizes that some fans will now view her earlier work with lyrics about inner turmoil as evidence of the struggle between her beliefs and her sexuality. But she says she has always struggled as a person of faith to be the person she wants to be, and her sexuality was only a part of that, she said.

God has always known she would walk this path, Knapp said.

"I would rather be judged before God as being an honest human being," she said. "If I am in any way unpleasing in his sight, I can only hope and pray that he gives me the opportunity to find who I am supposed to be."

Perhaps the most telling clue to where Jennifer Knapp finds herself in life after so many years is contained in the title of her new album. It's called "Letting Go."

Saturday, April 3, 2010

The New Moon and the Biblical New Year

A very good friend of mine wrote this is very good. If you would like a copy of this, e-mail me an I will put you in touch with it's author.

Be Blessed!!!

The book of Enoch reveals many of key factors regarding the new moon and the calendar year. These are essential in determining the Passover and thus the remaining feasts YHWH has instructed us to keep. Combining Enoch’s words with scientific data, the new year can be determined.
Before you respond in your mind and say “Enoch isn’t Scripture” you should realize that our Messiah, Jude, James, and Peter either directly quoted from it or issued statements that had direct parallels to the Book of Enoch. The Catholics didn’t canonize it, but that certainly does not mean it isn’t inspired scripture. We have more than two reliable witnesses in our scriptures that believed it was inspired without any contradictions. Information about these can be found following the conclusion.
The New Moon
There are currently two views as to what the new moon is. Many say the crescent moon, while others say the conjunction. After diligent searching, prayer, and the leading of the Father, we’ve found that it is indeed the crescent moon. The following details such proof as found in the book of Enoch. Let’s look at Enoch chapter 73.
73:4 It the moon rises in this manner: Its head faces the easterly direction, coming out on the thirtieth day, on that day, that is, on the thirtieth day, it comes into existence, and it appears with the sun in the gate through which the sun exits; and you have the beginning of the month.
73:5 Considering half of it to be divisible into seven parts, the whole disk of it is without light, with the exception of one-seventh part of the fourteenth part of the light of the sun, one seventh of its half light.
73:6 On the day when it receives one-seventh part of its one half, as the sun sets, it becomes equivalent to one-seventh light of one half of it.
73:7 Then when the sun rises, the moon rises together with it, taking a portion of one half of its light; that night the moon, just beginning its monthly journey on its first lunar day, sets with the sun and becomes dark, in respect to its thirteen parts that night. On that day it rises and shines with exactly one-seventh part of its semicircle.
If the new moon was on the conjunction, it would say when the light disappears, or something similar. Instead it says the first lunar day of the month is when the light shines with exactly one-seventh part of its semicircle, or as we know as the crescent new moon. For another witness in the book of Enoch, let’s consider chapter 78.
78:5 The moon comes in and goes out by the western openings, and circles via the northeast and rises through the eastern openings upon the face of the earth.
78:6 When the moon begins its cycle, it appears in the sky one half of a seventh part; it will become fully illumined from the fourteenth day;
78:7 it completes its illumination the fifteenth, becoming fulfilled according to the sign of the year and becoming fifteen parts. Thus the moon waxes in fifteen parts.
78:8 In its waning, the moon decreases on the first day to fourteen parts of its light; on the second day, it decreases to thirteen parts of light; on the third, to twelve parts; on the fourth, to eleven parts; on the fifth, to ten parts; on the sixth, to nine parts; on the seventh, to eight parts; on the eighth, to seven parts; on the ninth, to six parts; on the tenth, to five parts; on the eleventh, to four parts; on the twelfth, to three parts; on the thirteenth, to one half of the preceding; on the fourteenth, all its light decreases to one half of one seventh; and on the fifteenth, all the remaining light disappears.
Notice it says that when the moon begins its cycle it appears as one half of a seventh part, fully illuminated (full moon) after the fourteenth day, and after another fifteen days the remaining light disappears. A month is typically 30 days, so the beginning is marked by the crescent moon, middle by the full moon, and the month ends with the conjunction.
Want yet another witness? Take a look at verse 12 of the same chapter.
78:11 During all the seasons when the moon is made to run its cycle, the light is being beamed into it the moon facing the sun until the illumination of the moon is completed in the course of fourteen days; and when it is lit completely, it radiates light in the sky.
78:12 On the first day, it is called the new moon because on that day the illumination begins to set upon it.
78:13 These illuminations are completed with exactitude on the day when the sun descends into the west, and the moon simultaneously rises in the east in the evening, shining during the night until the sun rises opposite it, and it is over against the sun.
78:14 From the same side where light entered the moon, from there also it gradually wanes until all the illumination disappears and the days of the moon expire, its disk empty without light.
How can we say the conjunction is the new moon when this clearly states that a new moon is when illumination begins to set upon it? Clearly the new moon is the crescent moon.
The Biblical Calendar and New Year
We all know that our current calendar is not based on the Father’s revelations. However, to determine Passover, we need to have the knowledge He imparted long ago. Through Enoch, He revealed the amazing and perfect calendar marked by the coming and going of the luminary bodies. Genesis chapter 1 states that He gave them to us as signs for the seasons and years.
Gen 1:14 And Elohim said, “Let lights come to be in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night, and let them be for signs and appointed times, and for days and years,
Gen 1:15 and let them be for lights in the expanse of the heavens to give light on the earth.” And it came to be so.

Enoch was shown information that recent scientists have patted themselves on the back for, thinking they’d found a breakthrough in science. Without going in to too much detail about that, we need to know when the new year begins. Let’s consider Enoch chapter 72 for a moment.
72:1 The Book of the Itinerary of the Luminaries of Heaven: the position of each and every one, in respect to their ranks, in respect to their authorities, and in respect to their seasons; each one according to their names and their places of origin and according to their months, which Uriel, the kodesh malak who was with me, and who also is their guide, showed me -just as he showed me all their treatises and the nature of the years of the world unto eternity, till the new creation which abides forever is created.
72:2 This is the first commandment of the luminaries: The sun is a luminary whose egress is an opening of heaven, which is located in the direction of the east, and whose ingress is another opening of heaven, located in the west.
72:3 I saw six openings through which the sun rises and six openings through which it sets. The moon also rises and sets through the same openings, and they are guided by the stars; together with those whom they lead, they are six in the east and six; in the west heaven. All of them, are arranged one after another in a constant order. There are many windows both to the left and the right of these openings.
72:4 First, there goes out the great light whose name is the sun; its roundness is like the roundness of the sky; and it is totally filled with light and heat.
72:5 The chariot on which it ascends is driven by the blowing wind. The sun sets in the sky in the west and returns by the northeast in order to go to the east; it is guided so that it shall reach the eastern gate and shine in the face of the sky.
72:6 In this manner it rises in the first month through the major gate; it proceeds through this gate which is the fourth among those six openings which are located in the direction of the east.
72:7 By this fourth gate through which the sun rises during the first month there are twelve open windows from which a flame flows, when they are opened at the appropriate time.
72:8 When the sun rises in the east in the sky, it goes out through this fourth gate for thirty mornings and descends faithfully through the fourth gate in the western sky.
72:9 During those thirty days the day daily becomes longer and the night nightly shorter, for thirty days.
72:10 On that day, the day is longer than the night by one ninth; so the day turns out to be exactly ten parts and the night to be eight parts.
72:11 The sun rises from that fourth eastern gate and sets in the fourth western one, and then it turns and comes into the fifth gate of the east for thirty days, through which it rises, and sets in the fifth gate.
72:12 At that time the day further becomes longer and becomes eleven parts and the night shortens and becomes seven parts on account of the sun.
72:13 It then returns to the east and comes into the sixth gate, rising and setting through that sixth gate for thirty one days, according to the principle of the gate.
72:14 On that day the day becomes longer than the night still further; so the day becomes twelve parts and the night shortens and becomes six parts.
72:15 Then the sun is raised in such a way that its duration shortens and night occurs; the sun returns to the east and enters the sixth gate, rising and setting through it for thirty days.
72:16 When thirty days are completed, the day decreases exactly by one part, and becomes eleven parts, and the night seven.
72:17 Then the sun, leaving the west by that sixth gate and going to the east, rises through the fifth gate for thirty mornings and sets again in the fifth gate in the west.
72:18 On that day the day decreases by two parts; so the day becomes ten parts and the night eight parts.
72:19 Then the sun, departing from that fifth gate and setting in the fifth gate, in the west, rises in the fourth gate for thirty one days according to the principle of the gate, and sets in the west.
72:20 On that day the day is aligned with the night, so that they become equal; so the night becomes nine parts and the day nine parts.
72:21 Then the sun, departing from that gate and setting in the west, returns to the east and comes out through the third gate for thirty days, and sets in the third gate in the west.
72:22 On that day the night becomes longer than the day; it becomes longer than the previous night and the day becomes shorter than the previous day, for thirty days; so the night turns out to be exactly ten parts and the day to be eight parts.
72:23 Then the sun, departing from that third gate in the west and returning to the east, comes out through the second gate in the east for thirty days, and in the same manner it sets through the second gate in the western sky.
72:24 On that day the night becomes eleven parts and the day seven parts.
72:25 Then the sun, departing on that day from that second gate and setting in the west in the second gate, returns to the east and rises in the first gate for thirty one days, and sets on that day in the western sky.
72:26 On that day the night lengthens and becomes twelve parts, whereas the day shortens and becomes six parts.
72:27 Thus the sun completes its appearances, and goes through those same cycles of appearances a second time, coming out through all the openings for thirty days and setting also in the west opposite to it.
72:28 On that night the length of the night decreases by one ninth; so the night becomes eleven parts and the day seven parts.
72:29 Then the sun, returning and entering the second gate which is in the east, resumes its appearances for thirty mornings, rising and setting as usual.
72:30 On that day the night becomes shorter, so the night becomes ten parts and the day eight parts.
72:31 On that day the sun, departing from this second gate and setting in the west, returns to the east and rises through the third gate for thirty one days, and sets in the western sky.
72:32 On that day the night shortens and becomes nine parts and the day nine parts. Then the night becomes equal with the day, and the days of the year add up to exactly three hundred sixty four days.
72:33 The lengths of the day and the night as well as the shortness of the day and the night, are determined by the course of the circuit of the sun, and distinguished by it.
72:34 The circuit becomes longer or shorter day by day and night by night respectively.
72:35 Thus this is the order for the course of the movement and the settlement of the sun -that great luminary which is called the sun, for the duration of the years of the universe -in respect to its going in and coming out.
72:36 It is that very luminary which manifests itself in its appearance as YAHWEH has commanded that it shall come out and go in, in this manner.
72:37 And neither does it diminish in respect to its brightness nor take rest but continue to run day and night. As for the intensity of its light, it is sevenfold brighter than that of the moon; nevertheless, the sun and the moon are equal in regard to their respective sizes.
We see in verse 6 that the first month enters through the fourth gate. Now, when is that? The following chart summarizes the information contained in the previous verses to give a clearer understanding of what was said.

So we can see without much difficulty that the end of the year is marked by a time when the day and night are equal in time. The vernal or spring equinox marks the end of the year, and beginning of the new. Now, we know that it must be springtime in the new year as we see from reading Exodus 9:31, the barley was in the ear during the plague of hail. Also, Enoch 82:16 shows us how the first season of the year comes after the winter.
82:9 These are the orders of the stars which set in their respective places, seasons, festivals, and months.
82:10 And these are the names of those which lead the ones that come out and go down in their appointed seasons, which lead them in their respective places, orders, times, months, authorities, and locations.
82:11 The four leaders which distinguish the four seasons of the year enter first; after them enter the twelve leaders of the orders which distinguish the months; and the three hundred and sixty captains which divide the days and the four epagomenal days, and leaders which divide the four seasons of the year.
82:12 These captains over thousands are added between leader and leader, each behind a place to stand; but their leaders make the division.
82:13 And these are the names of the leaders which divide the four seasons of the years which are fixed: Malki'el, Hela'emmemelek, Milay'ul, and Narel.
82:14 The names of those who lead them are 'Adnar'ul, 'Iyasus'el, 'Elum'el -these three follow the leaders of the orders, as well as the four which follow after the three leaders of the orders, which follow after those leaders of the stations that divide the four seasons of the year.
82:15 At the very beginning, Malkiyal, whose name is called Tam'ayen -and the sun rises and rules; and all the days of his authority -during which he reigns -are ninety one days.
82:16 And these are the signs of the days which become manifest during the period of his authority: sweat, heat, and dryness; all the trees bear fruit and leaves grow on all trees; there will be good harvest, rose flowers, and all the flowers which grow in the field; but the winter tree shall wither.
The only season and time of year that trees begin to grow leaves and fruit, is in the spring. This year, 2010, we were told that the equinox was March 20. However, we can see by the information on that the true equinox was around the 16th or 17th. Below are tables showing data for Wichita, Kansas and Jerusalem. (The tables were constructed with information directly from their website). Examine the Wichita data first. Notice how the length of day for the 20th is 12 hours and 8 minutes – how can that be the true equinox? Look at the data for the 16th and 17th. With each day showing nearly 12 hour long days, the equinox occurs somewhere around these two days. Compare the data from Wichita to that of Jerusalem. How amazing is it that the 16th is 11 hours and 59 minutes while the 17th is 12 hours and 1 minute. Obviously, between these two days is the true equinox. How perfect and beautiful is this?!

Now, we know from above that the new moon is the crescent and the first new moon of the year takes place after the equinox, so the new moon should be seen around the 16th or 17th. From information gathered on the internet, for this example we used (the specific information is listed on, we know when the new moon was sighted. Of course, you could have found it for yourself. Nonetheless, across North America the new moon was sighted on March 16, 2010 (around sunset, of course), thus Passover should be the 30th (beginning sundown the 29th), with the memorial observed after sundown on the 30th, which also marks the beginning of the Feast of Unleavened bread.
For additional evidence, regarding the crescent moon sighting, lets consider a few more details. Remember back to Enoch 73:7.
73:7 Then when the sun rises, the moon rises together with it, taking a portion of one half of its light; that night the moon, just beginning its monthly journey on its first lunar day, sets with the sun and becomes dark, in respect to its thirteen parts that night. On that day it rises and shines with exactly one-seventh part of its semicircle.
One seventh of fifty percent (or 1/14, whichever way you look at it) is 0.071429. With a margin for human error in our calculations, and for argument’s sake, let’s just say it’s close to 1%. Look at the table below, also compiled from information on

In Kansas on the 16th, the moon was illuminated 1.00%! In Jerusalem, it appears as though the new moon could have been seen, but faintly on the 16th, however, it’s documented to have been widely sighted on the 17th.
Realizing this is a large amount of information to digest at one time, it’s still evident that everything that was revealed to Enoch to determine the new moon and first month of the year comes together beautifully.
Now that we’ve reviewed this plethora of information, let’s boil it down. The new year begins at the equinox, with the new crescent moon. Which happen to fall perfectly together at the spring/vernal equinox. This marks the first day of the month, so simply count fourteen days, and you’ve found the date for Passover. (Of course, remember that the biblical day begins at sundown the evening before).
One More Thing…
Let’s remember back to Enoch 72:32 for a moment.
72:32 On that day the night shortens and becomes nine parts and the day nine parts. Then the night becomes equal with the day, and the days of the year add up to exactly three hundred sixty four days.
There is no need for a leap year or an added month every now and then. Each year is perfect in its coming and going, and thus we can figure the year with little difficulty.
A parting thought from Enoch chapter 82.
82:4 Blessed are all the righteous ones; blessed are those who walk in the street of righteousness and have no sin like the sinners in the computation of the days in which the sun goes its course in the sky. It the sun comes in through a door and rises for thirty days together with the chiefs of the thousands of the orders of the stars, together with the four which are added to determine the intervals within the year, that is, the intervals between the four seasons of the year; those that lead them along come in on four days.
82:5 On this account there are people that err; they count them the four? in the computation of the year: for the people make error and do not recognize them accurately; for they belong to the reckoning of the year.
82:6 Truly, they are recorded forever: one in the first gate, one in the third, one in the fourth, and one in the sixth. The year is completed in three hundred and sixty four days.
82:7 True is the matter of the exact computation of that which has been recorded; for Uriel, whom YAHWEH of all the creation of the world has ordered for me in order to explain the host of heaven, has revealed to me and breathed over me concerning the luminaries, the months, the festivals, the years, and the days.
82:8 HE has the power in the heaven, both day and night so that HE may cause the light to shine over the people; sun, moon, and stars, and all the principalities of the heaven which revolve in their respective circuits.

May you find this information useful, and may YHWH bless you.