Monday, January 3, 2011


PART II -- Strategies and Cautions

From IDE Thomas’ The Omega Conspiracy, page 121, c. 1980
“The burgeoning of demonic activity in our time is proof of our proximity to the `last days’ and to the mightiest power encounter in all history. The `sons of God’ are on a collision course with the saints of God and we may well be witnessing the opening scenario.”

Indeed, the late 1980s opened the door leading to the final collision course that is upon us now.
The “sons of God” being the fallen angels of Genesis 6:2,4 who extended themselves into the earth through human bodies and DNA manipulation.
“As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be…” (Matthew 24:37)
The most distinguishing sign of the days of Noah was DNA manipulation and the destruction of the human gene pool, creating giants and monstrosities, who later became the gods of Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo/Persia, Greece and Rome-- the great empires of history that became the enemies of the people of Yahweh. Now these empires have joined together under Lucifer in a “composite Beast” – of “seven heads” – 7 empires – including the final world empire now forming quickly--all returning in their individual “glory” to join with the “Beast” in an attempt to destroy the image and likeness of Yahweh, especially the children of Ya’cob (Israel). (Refer to the article: “Nebuchadnezzar”)
The time of Revelation 12:7-17 is close. Once Micha’el throws out Lucifer and his fallen ones onto the earth, they will go after the set-apart ones with a vengeance. Daniel 7:21, 25 and Revelation 13:7 tell us that he will overcome and kill the majority of the set-apart ones—those not already dead from nuclear war, radiation, famine, disease, and poison water, etcetera.
The greatest war of all history is soon to go into full battle combat—the fallen angels in bodies (Nephilim) and those without bodies (demons), with their multitude of human agents, against the tiny remnant of Yahweh with simple, humble, trusting, childlike faith and loyalty to the One they love.
The army of Yahweh consists of a well trained force of 144,000 chosen officers, and others who know their Elohim, and won’t give up, even to death. I agree with others, that the majority of these 144,000 are NOT from western nations. The characteristics and qualifications of the 144,000 require an eastern mindset.
The days ahead will automatically send the 22,000 fearful, but honest, home from the battlefield, and the ones with inflated opinions of their abilities--the 9,700--home also. This leaves the “Gideon 300!” (Refer to: Judges 7)

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Ephesians 6:10-18 gives us the armor of Elohim. Messiah, the soon-coming High Priest, puts on this armor as He comes in the wrath of Yahweh. (Isaiah 59:15-18) The armor of Elohim is the garments of the High Priest. (Refer to the study: “Correct Intercession and Spiritual Warfare in the Garments of the High Priest”, relating this armor to Exodus 28, and other Scriptures)
Above all things, the golden plate has to be over the forehead – which reads: “Set-Apart to Yahweh”. Without this written over one’s mind in the spirit realm, no one should go against the enemy on behalf of others. Without this gold plate over his turban, the High Priest could not intercede for the people.
Ephesians 6:10-12: “…be strong in the Master and in the mightiness of His strength. Put on the complete armor of Elohim for you to have power to stand against the schemes of the Devil, because we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, authorities, against the world rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual wickedness in high places, and having done all to stand, stand therefore…”
The first piece of armor is that which girds our loins with truth. I Peter 1:13-16: “…Therefore, having girded up the loins of your mind, being sober, set your expectations perfectly upon the favor that is to be brought to you at the revelation of Yahushua Messiah, as obedient children…because it has been written: `Be set apart, as I am set apart’ ”.
The loin area is where the spirit is located. It is where the Spirit enters upon the true new birth. It is where the Spirit abides if asked (Luke 3:16; 11:13). It is where He speaks to us. It is where we are empowered. The re-born spirit can contact the eternal realm of Yahweh. In fact, must live in that realm. But, most just have a head belief-system, and their spirit is dead. The transformed spirit must be allowed the freedom to transform the soul (mind, emotions, will) so that the whole “spirit-man” that lives inside will be in perfect harmony. Nothing will stop a person whose whole being is controlled by the Spirit of Yahweh! (Refer to: “The True New Birth”)
I was invited to Tanzania to preach/teach 28 meetings. But, as my African Director and I started for Tanzania, I began aching all over. I thought I was getting the flu. During the trip from Kenya, the fever came. By the time we got to Musoma, I developed 13 of 15 symptoms of malaria. Quickly I moved to the final stage of malaria before death--with no mind left—not even remembering my own name--and too weak to sit up for a minute. But, I could think through my spirit, which has its own mind, and I asked them to prop me up with pillows in a chair in the church. I preached for 2 hours at a time—in 3 meetings. How did I do that? I heard the voice of the Spirit in my spirit behind my belly button, in the stomach/reproductive area, which is perfected by the new birth, where love for the truth resides, and I spoke what He said. The translator translated, and I rapid-fire preached 2 hours straight without stopping, as strong as any healthy person. They took me back and laid me down, and later I did it again,

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and again. But, still I could not remember my own name. He did not let me die, as you can tell, but I learned strongly what it was like to live out of my spirit without the use of my mind. This is what we all have to learn on a daily basis—without contracting malaria!
We do not fight flesh and blood. Human beings controlled by demonic forces can kill, character assassinate, and destroy one’s life. We can do nothing to stop human will! Don’t try to control anyone! That’s a characteristic of witchcraft, even if you think you’re doing it for the person’s good. The world system tells you that all they do is for your good, too, but it is for their good. Do not try to cross human will. Live His life by example. Let the Spirit do what He does best—convict of sin. Each person has the right to their own will.
John 6:44: “No one is able to come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him…it has been written in the prophets `And they shall all be taught by Yahweh. Everyone, then, who has heard from the Father and learned, comes to Me”. Of course the Spirit is Abba Yahweh. DO NOT PLAY “HOLY SPIRIT”!
He does not need your help. Let go of anyone you’re trying to change, and let the Spirit do the work. Go forth to obey the Master as a good servant!
People often use intercession and spiritual warfare to do witchcraft—to remove pastors, youth leaders, rabbis, and in general to rearrange the world to what they think is right. Abba is NOT in this at all! Let Elohim be Elohim.

Spiritual warfare is not a game--but serious warfare for discipline warriors. Only Yahweh (the Spirit) has the right to pick your battles! Only Yahweh has the right to direct your warfare on the battlefield! You are only a warrior if He backs you because He trusts you!

We’re at the time where many are having dreams and visions. (Joel 2:28-29)
I have had them regularly since being filled with the Spirit in 1966. I understand what is of Yahweh and what is of the enemy. He always interprets His dreams upon awakening, but usually the interpretation is evident if one knows the Word. The Spirit never goes beyond the boundaries of the Word. Because of lack of discernment, many are having the same type of dreams that witches, mediums, and sorcerers have – psychic dreams. The psychic dream is soul-related--from the head.
Yahweh NEVER talks to the reasoning head, it is too volatile, ever- changing, in constant flux, depending on the flesh’s “feelings”. It can only contact this present world by the five senses. The soul contacts the natural world around it, but can also contact the demonic world—thus the phenomenon we often see by the supernatural world—the lying signs and wonders. Abba’s world of the eternal can only be contacted through the re-born spirit! This is why we must live out of the spirit, and discipline the soul to align to the will of the Spirit in our spirit.
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In the physic dream, details of what is happening are told—like a plane crash, the whereabouts of the body of a murdered child, actual people one knows in different situations, etc. The enemy’s children have this type of dream. The police often use psychics/mediums to find missing children. I knew a very powerful ex-Satanist, whom the police later used to find missing children—many kidnapped for human sacrifice around Halloween.
The word “psychic” refers to the mind and emotions (“soul”--natural life force). Oftentimes, Lucifer and his cohorts talk to the mind--while we’re awake and while we sleep--to tell the mind what they want the mind to think and know. His human agents have been mind-programming the American people since around 1946, as part of Operation Paperclip, and the results is horrifyingly mind-boggling! The enemy loves to tell what he’s done—he is very proud of his accomplishments. He is proud that he kills people. He is proud that he causes people to sin. He is proud that he has caused plane crashes. We must stop psychic input by Satan by boldly declaring that we only want to hear from Yahweh, and for the demons of psychic input to leave you and not return. Yet, many are proud of their psychic dreams.
The dreams from Yahweh are always symbolic! They are all Word-based—throughout the whole Word. In the Word, we see that dreams had to be interpreted by one of Yahweh's servants, like Joseph or Daniel. I have the gift of the interpretation of dreams, but this gift is not given to many, for psychics, mediums, and occult practitioners say they can interpret dreams too. To interpret a dream of Yahweh one has to know well His personality and nature, as well as His Word as a whole unit, for often the enemy counterfeits very closely! Beware of psychic dreams and visions—they are NOT SIMPLY Satan fooling with your mind. People who have psychic dreams have opened a door for the enemy’s entrance, and oftentimes they are very proud of their dreams, and want to tell everyone about them. I shut that down… I won’t listen to what is not of my Abba!
We must protect our mind from input from the enemy. Close all doors of your mind and emotions to the input of the enemy!
In spiritual warfare, you DO NOT need to know the name of each demon—in fact, you should not learn the names of demons. Just call them off, in the Name of Yahweh, or the Name of Yahushua Yahweh, in boldness, by what they do. Examples: “I command the spirit of depression off of Linda, and I command you to go to the dry places to remain for judgment!” Or, “I command the spirit of pornography off of my son, and release you to go in the Name of Yahweh”.
You have authority over your family. You have authority over your own life. You have authority if someone asks you to deliver them. You have no authority over anything else, unless it is for the purpose of Abba’s Yahweh’s strategies on the battlefield, as in portal opening/gate keeping. Deliverance comes by bold proclamation of His will to the demon. Sometimes, you just say “Get out of her

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Devils in the Name of Yahweh” – for oftentimes they gang up on you. This is how Messiah did it. This is how the Apostles and His disciples did it. Go through the four “Gospels” and the book of Acts, and list the methodology of Messiah and His Apostles and disciples. Do as they did!
A great part of the time disease, infirmity, and deformity, strokes, crippling, and the like, are demonic activity. I was in a remote area of Uganda. I was in a little stick church, about to preach. I looked down and saw a lady near the front of the platform. I was told she was completely deaf, but that a lady had led her to salvation--the deaf woman could read lips. The Spirit drew me to her. I went down and commanded the spirit of deafness off of her. I then returned to the platform. I watched her. Her eyes got big and she began looking shocked. She rubbed her ears. Then she got up and came to me, and threw herself across my lap sobbing. She could hear.
But, isn’t this what Messiah did? Mark 9:25-26: “When Yahushua saw the people come running, He rebuked the foul spirit saying to it: `You dumb and deaf spirit, I command you to come out of him and enter into him no more.’ And the spirit cried and tore him, but came out of him…”
Two things always appear in Scripture to do with deliverance 1) the command of the demon spirits off of a person, and 2) telling them not to return.
Oftentimes one is healed of physical infirmity by being delivered from demons. People have been healed of crippling diseases instantly, by someone calling off the spirit that caused the crippling. The effects from a stroke can often be healed, when the demon that caused the stroke is cast out--cancer the same way.
Don’t get flakey! Not everything is a demon! Don’t go looking for demons! If one is involved, cast it out, and then pray for healing.
Many times disease, crippling, arthritis, diabetes, cancer, heart failure, and other physical problems are caused by holding in grief, bitterness, unforgiveness, hate, anger, and other negative memory reactions to hurt. The spirits of these reactions go into the muscles and tissues to produce destruction. If you take in spirits of destruction, you’ll get destruction. Fibromyalgia is very painful. It is a result of stored grief, bitterness, hate, and anger in the muscles. Memory is not all stored in the brain—much of it is stored in our muscles, bones, and other body tissue. King David says that his bones were dried because of grief. I had a bad case of Fibromyalgia. When I learned what its source was, I asked Abba to remove all these things from my life, and the pains of the past that caused these reactions. In a few hours, the Fibromyalgia was gone. Also therapeutic grade (living plant frequencies) essential oils, high in sesquiterphenes (Cederwood, Sandalwood, and Frankincense) have the ability to transform traumatized cells and restore them to healthy normalcy. These are also “oils of joy”.
If you do things the Scripture way, you will get the Scripture results! Messiah is our mentor! The Apostles are our mentors.

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Being filled with the Spirit, boldly command the demon out, telling them, or it, not to return, but to go to the dry places to await judgment.
I’ve learned so much by experience! The demonic world is legalistic. If you do not tell them to go and not return, they will return with seven more. They will jump. In doing deliverance, never ever touch the person being delivered! You might take one home with you. I’ve had that happen. The demonic world is visible at times. I was in a situation lately, where the demonic spirits were so powerful in the house I was staying in, that even the four-year old child was demonized. I saw 7’ men walking in the house. My friends who came to visit saw them too. Then I went to visit people in Central America, and because I didn’t shed my “shadows”, the people there saw 7’ men walking outside their house. I rebuked that, and they went, of course.
Many go into demonic areas on vacation, like to Asia or Africa, or even parts of Europe, and they come home with “visitors”. Sometimes people buy little wooden carvings, not realizing they are gods, or Buddha incense burners, or other things in which demons dwell … stones and wood are common dwelling places, as well as human bodies, of demons. This is why I had to speak to
ancient stones in my recent portals trips. Go through your house and make sure you have nothing that is associated with the occult. Do not give away these things—destroy them. In Acts 19:19, they had a great bond fire, and burned their witchcraft paraphernalia, and their books associated with witchcraft.
Go through your clothing. Make sure no demonic symbols are on your clothes or on other things in your house—like spirals, the paisley print, circumpunts (a circle with a dot in the middle), images of dragons, sun bursts, or crucifixes, etc.

Binding The Strong Man:

Matthew 12:22-30: “And when they brought unto Him one possessed of the devil—blind and dumb—and He healed him, insomuch that the blind and dumb both spoke and saw. And all the people were amazed… And when the Pharisees heard it they said, `This fellow casts out devils by Be’elzebub, the prince of the devils’. And Yahushua knew what was in their thoughts and said, `Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation…and if Satan casts our Satan, he is divided against himself. How, then, shall his kingdom stand? … But, if I cast out devils by the Spirit of Elohim, then the Kingdom of Elohim has come to you. Or else, how can one enter into a strong man’s house and spoil his goods, unless he first binds the strong man? Then he will spoil his house’ ”.
Luke 11:20-21, 24-27: “`But, if I with the finger of Elohim cast out demons, no doubt the Kingdom of Elohim has come to you. When an armed strong man keeps his palace, his goods are in peace. But, when one stronger than he shall come upon him, and overcome him, he takes from him all his armor in which he

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trusted, and divides his spoil.’ … When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walks through dry places seeking rest. And finding none, he says, `I will return to my house from where I came. And when he comes he finds it swept and decorated. Then he goes and takes seven other spirits more wicked than himself and they enter and dwell there. And the last state of that man becomes worse than the first.”
Wisdom: After a person is delivered, you or someone else, they must fill that empty house with the Word, day and night without ceasing. They must utter praises to Yahweh every chance they get. They must speak out the Psalms of deliverance, every chance they get—verbally and firmly. A person who is delivered, and then born of the Spirit, must fill that empty space with the Word, prayer, praise, and the giving out of their testimony of deliverance. Otherwise, they will get re-invaded and overtaken.
This happens to so many. They get free, but they do not continue in His Word, and so they are taken away into deception, and overcome.
John 8:31-32: “So Yahushua said to those Jews who believed Him: `IF YOU STAY in My Word, you are truly My taught ones (disciples), and you shall know the truth and the truth will set you free’ ”.
Exodus 8:19: “The magicians said to Pharaoh `This is the finger of Elohim’ ”.
Exodus 31:18: “He gave Moshe two tablets of the Witness, tablets of stone, written with the finger of Elohim” The finger of Elohim is the Spirit of Yahweh. To move in His power you must be backed by “the finger of Elohim!
How does one bind the strong man? You first have to know who the strong man is, and after binding him, it is easy to get rid of his cohorts. Many times, people rebuke a particular deadly disease, like cancer, but do not bind the strong man—the principality of Death. Cancer might leave, but a fatal heart attack might happen. If the spirit of Death is after someone, rebuke the strong man, or all sorts of things will happen to kill that person.
We have the power of binding and losing, along with the keys OF the Kingdom of heaven. The keys unlock doors of prison houses for His people. Many are bound by sexual perversion, spirits of pornography, and homosexuality, but the powerful keys OF the Kingdom have the power to lose one from that prison, IF the person wants to be freed! Unless a person wants to be free of demonic control nothing will work to set them free. Yahweh respects our free will!
Matthew 18:18-20: “Truly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth has already been bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth, has already been loosed in heaven. Again I say to you that if you agree on earth concerning any thing that they ask it shall be done for them by My Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in My Name there I am in their midst”.
The prayer of agreement is the most powerful prayer on earth. But, make sure that what you ask is according to His will, otherwise you won’t get anything.

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He only answers His Word as backed by His authority! Yelling Bible verses at the devil won’t do anything but give you a sore throat.
I was in Aqaba, Jordan, waiting for a store to open at 10:00 AM. About 9:40, people began coming, rattling the door, looking through the glass, then walking away when they realized the door was closed. At about 10:03, here came a jolly man with a big set on keys on a big key ring. People gathered around him. He placed the key into the lock, turned it, and the door opened. The people were then free to enter the store. Abba spoke to me: “Intercession has to be done on site, prayer can be done anywhere”.
***Intercession is inserting the key into a lock, opening a portal, door, or gate, for the freedom of His people to enter, and also to open what has been locked for Yahweh’s entrance.
***Spiritual warfare is similar, but different--taking the keys OF the Kingdom and inserting them in the “gates of Hades” – to set His people free—standing in the portals of the enemy for His purposes to free people, and to open doors for His entrance.
The keys OF the Kingdom are given to His servants whom He trusts to unlock the doors of the enemy, to let His people out, and Him in! It is not a game!
The keys are in our mouth – the words that He gives us to do the proclamations and declarations that He wills. The keys are His prophetic Word! The keys are the proclamations of deliverance, as we command the enemy to leave, and pray for the Spirit of Yahweh to come! The proclamations of praise are the keys to opening doors for Him.
We must discipline and train our tongue: “As every man has received the gift, even so minister the same one to another as good stewards of the manifold favor of Elohim. If any man speak, let him speak the oracles of Elohim”. (I Peter 4:10-11) We must not speak outside of His will.
Our thoughts must be under His total control! The soul must be disciplined, for it is a wild horse charging to our destruction. Only the Spirit can control the tongue. We must submit our thoughts and our words to His control, even as Messiah said that He did nothing and said nothing unless His Father (the Spirit) told Him what to do and say. We must follow the example of our Master—we are to be “as” our Master.
“With the high praises of Elohim in our mouth, and a two-edged sword in our hand” … (Psalm 149:6-9) we go forth to bring His judgment and right ruing into the earth.
“We will judge angels, how much more the matters of this life!” (I Corinthians 6:3) Of course this is talking about the fallen angels. But, this privilege is only given to those whose obedience is complete. If one is playing games with the kingdom of darkness, which includes religion, they are part of the fallen one’s realm. In an army, only the qualified are allowed into the battle.

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And in war, there has to be 100% total commitment to the commanding officer, without any second thoughts.
II Corinthians 10:3-6: “For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in Elohim to the overthrowing of strongholds, overthrowing reasoning, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of Elohim, taking captive every thought to make it obedient to the Messiah, and being ready to punish all disobedience, when your obedience is complete”.
The “flesh” is our human life force that reasons, feels, and depends on input from the five senses that contacts the natural realm. It is the seat of the sin-prone nature. Yet, most of Yahweh’s people, no matter how nice they appear under their mask of spirituality, live their entire lives out of this “flesh” mind. They shut down His input from the eternal realm to the spirit, and choose instead to listen to their own intellect and other people’s opinions, and wonder why they are destroyed. In the days ahead the masks will be removed, and what is underneath will be evident to all. In the days ahead, those who only live out of their soul and their fleshly desires will die, and few will be received into the Kingdom of “His Dear Son”.

“Therefore brethren, we are debtors not to the flesh, to live after the flesh. For if you live after the flesh you will die, but if through the Spirit you kill (mortify) the deeds of the flesh, you shall live. For as many as are led by the Spirit of Elohim, they are the sons of Elohim. For we have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear, but received the Spirit of adoption whereby we cry `Abba, Abba’. The Spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are the children of Elohim. And if children, then heirs of Elohim, and joint-heirs with Messiah IF we suffer with Him, that we might be esteemed (“glorified” KJV) together. For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the esteem (“glory” KJV) which shall be revealed in us”. (Romans 8:14-18) (All added italics in this article are mine)

I Corinthians 10:12: “…let him that thinks he stands, take heed lest he falls”. Pride in one’s spirituality is no more than pride in a fake.
The battle has now moved from a personal arena, where individuals use spiritual warfare to get the Devil out of their homes, work arena, church or assembly, into an end-time battle of the ages on a world stage.
The battle is now at the gate! Isaiah 28:5-6: YAHWEH gives strength to those who “turn the battle at the gate”. This battle is Lucifer/Satan and his multitude of forces against the tiny remnant of Yahweh. This battle determines both physical and spiritual death, or spiritual life.

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To be a “turn coat” and betray the commanding officer, or one’s fellow soldiers, is sure spiritual death.
There is no place for those with fear, cowardice, weakness, softness, whining, complaining, excuse making, or for turning back, in this army! This battle is for those who know their Elohim, as He is!
II Timothy 2:3-4: “Suffer hardship as a good soldier of Yahushua Messiah. No one serving as a soldier gets involved in the affairs of this life, in order to please only him who has enlisted him to be a soldier”.
Suffering hardship begins with death to self, so that one is at the disposal 100%
of their Commanding Officer. The severity of spiritual warfare is much graver than that of physical warfare. In physical warfare, one might lost their physical life. If their life is hidden in Messiah by faith, their spirit man continues on into everlasting life. But, in spiritual warfare, if the enemy wins, his prize is one’s life—body, soul and spirit—to join him in the eternal flames of the lake of fire. The stakes are much higher in spiritual warfare. To the victor who overcomes goes great reward in the Kingdom of Yahushua. Read Revelation chapters 1-3 and list the rewards of those that overcome.
Philippians 1:27-29: “Only, behave yourselves--worthy of the Good News of Messiah--…without being frightened in any way by those who oppose, which to them truly is proof of destruction, but to you of deliverance, and that from Elohim. Because to you it has been given as a FAVOR on behalf of Messiah, not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for His sake…”
Acts 14:22: “…strengthening the souls of the disciples (taught ones), encouraging them to continue in the faith, and that through much tribulation we must enter the Kingdom of Elohim”. This is why “few there be that find it”…
II Timothy 3:11-12: “Trustworthy is the Word: For if we died with Him, we shall also live with Him. If we endure, we shall also reign with Him. If we deny Him, He shall also deny us”. To “deny” is to be ashamed of Him, as well as to deny His Person, or His first coming.
These are not subjects usually taught in religious circles! It is those that “know their Elohim” who will be strong and do exploits – be strong and valiantly act! (Daniel 11:32) Few are strong, few will act, few will do any exploits, because most have an illusionary “God” , one they’ve made up in their heads that satisfies their thinking. Few take the time to know the real Abba Yahweh and Yahushua.
The commanding officer must know his troops as individuals, so that he can assign each a task that fits their abilities. But, in this battle, it is a battle to the death, and reaches far beyond a self-created world, to a global arena.
This is the most serious battle the earth has ever known, both in the natural realm and in the spiritual realm.

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Matthew 24:21-22a: “For then there shall be great distress, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be. And if those days were not shortened, no flesh would be saved…”
In the two two-page Scripture lists, entitled “All Flesh” and “No Flesh Saved But A Remnant”, we find that almost no human beings will be left alive in the 3-5 years. Some in Edom will survive until Messiah comes. His return path is from Sinai, to Mt. Paran, to Timan (most likely today’s Tybet Zamon, to Mt. Seir (Petra/Edom) and on to Bozrah about 40 miles north. It’s a straight path from Sinai to Bozrah. The resurrection occurs as He passes over Edom.
Fear that is allowed to control cancels faith! Fear attracts the enemy. Faith repels the enemy. But faith has to rooted in what He has said to us
personally—not in what we assume is for us.
Never take a verse out of context and assume it is for you. You must know the Word in context, who it is written to, and if it applies to you or not. Not all Scripture applies to you. You must be Spirit-taught!

YOU MUST BE SPIRIT-TAUGHT! He teaches our re-born spirit, not our head. Just this morning, as usual, in the 30 minutes I was out walking, I came back to journal five pages of the revelation He showed me. He talks. He’s a Person. He speaks in at least forty ways (Refer to: “The Forty Ways Elohim Speaks to His People”) but never by circumstances, never by happenstance, never by speaking to the soul. King Jehoshaphat was up against an army that was much stronger than he. If he had reasoned in his head, he and his army would have turned tail and run. But, instead of reasoning in his fearful brain, he asked a Prophet of Yahweh to give the Word of Yahweh. Yahuweh’s words are in II Chronicles 20—powerful for us today! King Jehoshaphat, King of Judah, listened to the Prophet and obeyed. By singing they won the battle.
The mind—reasoning. intellect, human logic, and fleshly emotions—the seat of the sin-prone nature, the “flesh”, the “carnal” self—useless in battle. Abba won’t waste His time speaking to your human logic! But, western culture is based on human logic. The Word is only understood by an eastern/Hebrew mind-set.
The spirit is behind your belly button—in the “heart” of you – it is there, where the belt of truth and the sword of the Spirit, the Word, resides … it is there where the reproductive organs reside and the digestive system – where babies are carried by their mothers – it is the place of taking in and giving out, of reproducing the life of the Spirit in one’s life—the area of the “fruit of the spirit”. Thus Sha’ul talks about “bowels of mercy”, and the Psalms talk about your “liver” and “kidneys”. The spirit has its own mind. But, the soul’s mind is very unstable! It is filled with negative emotions that control decisions. It is filled with fear that paralyzes the work of the spirit. The re-born spirit is home to the Spirit of Yahweh. Unless the mind/soul is disciplined well, it controls one’s thinking, and thus one’s actions. Then one cannot hear the Spirit of Yahweh.

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The mind, emotions and will, must be harshly disciplined and brought under subjection to the power of the Spirit in your re-born spirit, if indeed you are truly re-born. (Refer to: “The True New Birth”). Because of the shallow sissified “gospel” of western Christianity, most people think they are “saved”, but are not. There is no fruit of a re-born spirit.
II Corinthians 5:17: “If any man be in Messiah, he is a new creation, old things have passed away, behold, all things have become new”. Just recently, my daughter’s husband has been born again. She prayed for this for seven years. When he told her, she was numb. But, as she watched his new characteristics, she saw one fruit after the other manifest that was of the nature of Yahushua. Now, after a few months, she says: “He is truly born again”. He became a new creation. His desires are completely changed. He was not a bad man. But, he had no desire for the Word, or prayer, or the things of the Spirit in general. He had no liking for Jews. After his new birth, now, he cannot stay out of the Word, he prays with his family, and likes to hear the Bible read by his wife, that uses Hebrew Names and titles of Elohim, and other Hebrew words. Before he had no interest in helping the homeless, like his wife has. But, after his new birth, he has great interest in sharing the Good News of salvation with his family and everyone else, and helping others in need.
But, most all in western culture have done no more than convert to a religion. There is no fruit of a re-born spirit. Their desires are still worldly, yet a religious spirit has come along to pretend spirituality. This is why so many are now converting to Judaism, or eastern mysticism, or even Islam, because it is impossible to know Yahweh and Yahushua who dwell in eternity, without a re-born spirit. The soul and spirit remain prisoners of Lucifer’s world.
Hebrews 4:12: “For the Word of Elohim is living, and working, and sharper than any two-edged sword, cutting through even to the dividing of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intents of the heart (mind and emotions--“psyche”). And here is no creature hidden from His sight, but all are naked and laid bare before the eyes of Him to whom we must account”.
At the new birth, by the powerful Word of Elohim—the “sword of the Spirit”—in the hands of the Spirit, the soul and spirit are severed from each other. The spirit is re-born, and the soul has to be disciplined to align to the “mind of the spirit”. Once aligned, and the soul is totally submitted to the will of the Spirit, then a person has authority and power against the “wiles of the Devil!”
The re-born spirit has the ability to contact, and live in, the realm of eternity with Elohim!
“He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty”. (Psalm 91:1) This Psalm too often used by the fearful as a crucifix, or piece of garlic, to ward off the Devil, but few dwell or abide, or even approach, the ‘secret place”, for His Person and His Presence are foreign to most.
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This Psalm can only be rightfully used by those who have abandoned all but Him!
Matthew 5:8: “The pure of heart will see Elohim”. The word “pure” means to be single minded – single of purpose, singly focused.
This is why knowing His voice, as distinguished from all the multitudes of other voices in the earth, is of paramount importance! If we hear the wrong voice, or the reasoning voice of our own mind, we will make serious mistakes, which may end up in tragedy. The gift of the discernment of spirits is a vital one for survival on the battlefield, (I Corinthians 12:1-12) as are the other gifts of the Spirit.
A commanding officer on the battlefield is under orders from his “High Command”. On the field he gives instructions to his soldiers. He trusts the soldiers to do as he says, without any changes. To change the instructions could cause death to many. The officer receives orders oftentimes from High Command and relays the instructions to the soldiers. If he needs to check in with higher officers, he may have a “walkie talkie” or some type of battery operated equipment. But, he stays in contact with his “High Command”, and the soldiers with their immediate commanding officer.
But, in this battle, each one must be in contact with the Supreme Commander for himself. Thus all who are hearing from the Supreme Commander hear the same thing.
In China today, believers cannot openly publish the place of their next meeting. So each are in tune with the Commanding Officer, the Spirit of Yahweh, and all are led by His Spirit to the right place without danger. The believers did this under the Stalin regime too. But, now, it is dangerous for us to publish our whereabouts. At one point, a group of believers, living under Stalin, were told to flee out of Russia, and head for the China border. They obeyed. They kept going until He said: “Stop”. They stopped and stayed in some caves. The area’s vegetation provided food for them, and a stream provided water. They awaited their next orders. The orders were slow in coming, by their reasoning. Some reverted to head reasoning, moved by fear, and decided to go back to their homes. [Note--This is a principle you must learn: Abba never says to go forward, and then back-peddles and says to retreat—never, ever—Learn His nature, His ways and His thinking!!] They that retreated back were killed.
The remnant that waited the Spirit’s leading, got it … and they proceeded forward towards China. There came up a storm, and they pressed through the storm. When the storm lifted, they had no idea where they were. But, they found out quickly that they were in China. Abba was their rear-guard! They went on to safety, to Australia. But, they did not fall apart when things didn’t go their way. They determined to listen to the Spirit, and not their head reasoning, and they overcame and were free.
Flesh, carnality, soul-foolishness, going by feelings and head reasoning—all end

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up in destruction. ”Without faith it is impossible to please Him”. Faith means taking action on what He has said—not on what circumstances look like. Learn from Abraham: (Genesis 15:6; Romans 4:17-22) “…he did not hesitate about the promise of Elohim through unbelief, but was strengthened in faith, giving esteem to Elohim, and being completely persuaded that what He had promised He was also able to do. Therefore, it was reckoned to him for righteousness”.
I John 5:14-15: “And this is the boldness that we have in Him, that if we ask whatever, according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him”. But—we must ask according to His will—not ours!
Fear of man or demons is insanity for anyone who wants to be in the Kingdom of Yahweh! FEAR YAHWEH!
As I wrote in “Fear Tactics” and “Linked Arm and Arm” – the end of fear is damnation. And fearful people take others to damnation with them.
I have learned correct spiritual warfare by hard experience. I was an ordained Charismatic minister with my own corporation. I understand the fleshly mentality of religion, the noble “zeal without knowledge”. Charismatic/church methodology in intercession and spiritual warfare has a lot of witchcraft attached to it! If you do things the Scriptural way, you’ll get Scriptural results! To do things the Scriptural way is to allow the Spirit discipline and teach you!
I learned how to move in the Spirit, by being taught by the Spirit – doing things the way Messiah and His Apostle did things. And, I’ve learned wisdom in getting Scriptural results. Messiah knew the nature of demons. He knew their loopholes, and their boundaries. Messiah and His Apostles simply commanded the evil spirits and they had to obey. If He backs us, and we command them, they have to obey. Our biggest concern should be to make sure He is backing us!
I learned the hard way, by making too many mistakes. But, as I learned the right way, slowly but surely, in my obedience, I gained His authority backing, and have been able to deliver many from demonic oppression, and possession. I have also been able to protect myself from many attacks that were designed to take my life, and to protect my children. I’ve learned how the demonic world thinks, reasons, and acts. I know their strategies and how they can so easily deceive the ignorant and fearful.
Eve was deceived because she went strictly by her soul’s thinking. She “saw” that the tree was good, and she reasoning herself, and us, into destruction. I know their legal boundaries. I also know well my Captain’s ways, His strategies, and His boundaries. I know His nature and His modus operandi. I know how He thinks, and so I am wise to stay within His well-laid boundaries, which He can back by His authority. He only backs what is His will. He won’t back human intellectual reasoning that departs from His control.
For a soldier on the battlefield to depart from the Captain’s orders to follow his

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own reasoning logic would most likely result in court martial. The good soldier fears crossing the orders of His commanding officer—for he knows the penalties for going off on his own in disobedience. We have a Commanding Officer who sees the future and gives commands based on what He has seen
in the future! Therefore, in pride in one’s abilities, to go off on one’s own in the reasoning of the intellect, is pure insanity for sure. The “headstrong” will die.
The mind reasons that since Yahweh doesn’t strike them dead in their rebellion, it is Ok to continue to rebel. What people do not understand is that He tries and tries to discipline, but if that doesn’t work, He leaves. Just like in Ezekiel 11—the religious did not see Him leave from off the Ark, they did not see Him proceed to the top of the Mt. of Olives--they did not see Him leave. They continued on with their religious rituals, never realizing that Elohim was gone!
Most of His people live so far distanced from what is required of them as servants and disciples that they do not know that He is not there.
This week I got two e-mails from people who were going by circumstances to determine “God’s” will. One had not sold her house like she thought she would, so she figured it was not God’s will to leave America. Even though He’s screaming at His deaf and dumb children to get out—for His wrath and judgment are quickly coming. His people are so far away from knowing His nature and ways, that they make up things to explain their lack of contact with Him. Yet, He has spoken to them but they did not obey, so He went and got someone else, and they wonder why He is so silent.
Many are sitting around waiting for Him to say something, and if He did, they’d probably think it was the Devil. He’s already spoken! He’s not going to coddle anyone anymore. We either obey or suffer the penalties! He must see us acting on what He has already said, or He will go no further with a person. So, in spiritual warfare, we need to be disciplined soldiers that hear His voice!
The wise soldier fears disobeying their commanding officer. Fearing Yahweh is extremely wise! For He only protects, guides, directs, and pays attention to those who fear Him, and who obey His commandments to do them. (Psalm 103:11-18, as one example) There is no unconditional love in the Bible—putting unconditional love on Yahweh only exists in the minds of philosophical religious Greek counterfeiters. The Hebrew understanding of “love” is to submit, lay down your life, and come under the control of the one loved.
This is why He says in Luke 14:26, 33: “If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife, and children, and brothers, and sisters, and his own life too, he is unable to be My disciple” (taught one)”…“So, then, everyone of you who does not give up all that he has, is unable to be My taught one”. To “hate” means not to come under the control of anyone but Him!
The Private must never attempt to do what the Sergeant is trained to do. The Sergeant must never attempt to do what the Major is trained to do. The

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Major must never attempt to do what the General has been trained to do. Each soldier must do what he is trained to do, and do it well, and then he is promoted to a higher rank! The right to use authority has to be earned, and kept within the boundaries of the Commanding Officer.
I exhort you to quickly—today—immediately--close all doors to the enemy in your life--in your house, and in every arena in which you have natural authority in the earth. Discipline, diligence, responsibility, faithfulness, and tough determination – these are qualifications for acceptance in Yahweh’s army.
It is so important to know the mind of the enemy. Demons, fallen angels without bodies, are legalists. They have the right to come through any door left open to them. We leave doors open simply by cultural ignorance. To find open doors requires being led by the Spirit in discernment. The TV, radio, certain music, video games, objects that are in the realm of Lucifer, clothes that have occult symbols on them—as well all objects with occult symbols. These are just a few open doors. But, gluttony, immorality, unclean thoughts, lying, sneaky ways, gossiping, slander, backbiting, laziness, undisciplined lifestyle—these too are open doors. We must ask Him to show us our true self, and help us remove anything that is offensive to Him. Not knowing the Word AS TAUGHT BY HIS SPIRIT, is a huge open door. The enemy can lie and deceive the
ignorant. You must know the nature of Yahweh and His ways and thinking from the whole Word – taught by His Spirit, not by some popular teacher. Tell
me how popular the Apostles and disciples were in the 1st century? Running to teachers for your instruction is Greek sophist stuff. Only what you learn from Abba Yahweh, which is confirmed by His Prophets, will hold you together in the times of extreme battle!
In spiritual warfare, He gives us verses from the Word that He wants spoken into the earth. In my 7-part portal assignment from February 25th to May 25th (2010), He have me a list of Scriptures to be used at different places. Each place was different. At the Great Pyramid, I was given totally different Scriptures to do with His judgment on the gods of Egypt and the judgment that is soon coming on Egypt, from Isaiah 19, as well as to call forth His remnant, which He will deliver.
DO NOT pick out verses that you THINK sound good to your mind. Make sure you are Spirit-led. When I go on an assignment, He always gives me Scripture to proclaim – but He gives it to me. I don’t go looking for Scriptures! I type
them, and make copies of them, and keep them with me.
The day after rabbinic Sha’vu’ot, I was in Jerusalem. I had one more day before going to Eilat, and then on to Egypt. I didn’t want to waste a day. I have been in Israel, and Jerusalem, over 30 times, and I did not want to go anywhere I had not been before. So, I went to the Central Bus Station. I had not been to Ashkelon. I felt drawn by the Spirit to go there. I went to find the bus port for Ashkelon, and I saw that the bus was waiting for me—(smile). I got on, and sat

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there thinking, “I’m on my way to Ashkelon and all I know is that somewhere there is an archeology park”. But, I wanted to do intercession for His remnant over the Mediterranean Sea, so off I went. I could not find anyone at the bus station, or a taxi driver, who spoke English. But, one understood “sea” – so he took me to a beach. I did the intercession, but no one could tell me where the “ruins” were. I finally got a nice taxi driver who took me to the very little “Tourist Bureau”. No one spoke English, but the man took all kinds of brochures off the shelf to give to me. One brochure was for Ashkelon Park—the archeological ruins. Yeah!! The taxi driver even took me to the first stop in the park – the ancient ruins of the oldest Canaanite arched gate ever found. I saw from a sign that they had found a calf-image of Ba’al there. In my belt pack was a copy of the Scriptures for declaration in the gates and portals of the enemy. I sat down in the gate. I pulled out the Scriptures He gave me. I began speaking them to the ancient spirits in those stones, giving them the message of their judgment to come. I felt them come out of the stones, stand in front of me, listening. I’ve had that happen many times, so I continued on with the Declarations. Later that afternoon I got back to Jerusalem. Then it hit me – Abba had given me a 7-part assignment to stand in the enemy’s portals and proclaim what He gave me to proclaim. I knew that there was a portal in Israel, but He had not defined it. The Canaanite Gate, portal, was the sixth portal in the assignment. Later, I found that one of the brochures I got at the Tourist Bureau in Ashkelon was about a find in Ashkelon that was related to the Pergamum Altar of Zeus, from Pergamum, Turkey, in the Pergamum Museum in Berlin--point five of my 7-part assignment, which included the Ishtar Gate of Babylon that was also there. In these two assignments I was alone--the other five places I had a friend to go with me. There are hundreds of strategic and ancient portals of the enemy on this earth, each positioned under a constellation worshipped by humans who follow Lucifer. There are some major portals of the enemy, like Tihuanaco, Stonehenge, and Ba’albeck. The Great Pyramid is Abba’s portal/monument to Messiah and His Bride. I was only allowed to speak to the gods of Egypt there, but before that, to the stones at the Georgia Guide Stones, in strategic demonic strongholds in Washington DC, at the ancient ruins of Tihuanaco in Bolivia (oldest known city on earth), and Stonehenge in England. I realize that He is sending other servants whom He trusts and backs, to places like Ba’albeck in Lebanon, the megaliths of Easter Island, the temple of Karnak and Luxor, temples all over the earth, the megalithic cities of Peru, etcetera, where high principalities and powers have ruled for thousands of years, most built before the Flood, in “the dark time” between Genesis 1 and 2, as the Incas tell of Tihuanaco.
When He first began giving me this assignment, every book I picked up at His instructions listed the three main places I was to go, in order, sometimes on the same page—about seven books in all. He always confirms His orders!

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But, as I write about in “On Assignment” and “Forward March”, He has been sending me on assignments for many, many years, so the wisdom and knowledge I pass on to you is from HIM.
Depending on the power of the principality we’re up against, we either can go it alone, or we must have backup. But, the backup had better be of His selection.
I will not let anyone do intercession or spiritual warfare with me unless I know for sure that they are pure of heart, under His control totally, and flexible to be led by the Spirit.
Spiritual warfare that is for His purposes, like intercession, must be done on site. Of course, spiritual warfare and intercession for you, your family, or those who ask, can be done at home or in your local area. But, when on assignment for the Master, be ready to go at any time—be flexible. Use your money and your time for the Kingdom – be frugal in spending otherwise!

Acts 19:11-16—the demons did not know the sons of Sceva, so they the right to jump on them and tear them up. Too many think they can do spiritual warfare based on verses like Luke 10:19, and then they get beaten up by the enemy and their homes ruined.
Luke 10:19: “See, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing at all shall hurt you”.
Yahushua spoke this to seventy men He knew and trusted. Unless He gives this verse to you—He won’t back you. And, He must tell you what enemy to go
after, as well as when, and where, and how to do it. You might go after the wrong enemy, and end up destroyed. You must always let the Spirit lead!

I’ve taken several groups of Americans, and individuals too, to places around Jerusalem, like the City of David. I don’t walk all that slow, but every time, one person will strut ahead of me, and the whole group will follow that person. I’ve had one individual do this. The strutting person has no clue as to where they’re going. They just strut sometimes two blocks ahead of me. Sometimes they turn a corner and end up on a street going nowhere. Then, later, they want me to repeat what they missed by marching on their own--like the Ophel, the Eastern Gate, the Kidron Valley--for they’re following someone who doesn’t know where they’re going. Then they stop, look back, and realize that I’m way back somewhere. Finally they see me and come back to me. Do they apologize? NO… They do it again: “The blind leading the blind”--the ignorant leading the ignorant. They miss out on the instruction, but they don’t care—they’re off on their own. Then later they tell me they wish they had heard what I was saying. This is the attitude of the know-it-all prideful mind. But, this is a typical way most westerners live their lives. They follow the strutting humans and reject the teaching of the Spirit, and the wisdom of those taught by the Spirit. They reason in their heads, and never stop to see how far away from truth they are!

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Religion is a big open door for the enemy to come through, for religion is all Lucifer-based, but also deceived man-based. If you love this world, love idols (materialism), depend on man (humanism), fear losing things, like house, car, sentimental material possessions (photos and objects from the past), job security, money, insurance, retirement funds, doctors, medicine, family, friends, personal security, comfort, ease, convenience—and on and on—you have left multitudes of doors open. And the enemy hits you at your weakest link.

Matthew 10:34-39: “Do not think I have come to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. I have come to make division…He who love father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me, and he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he does not take up his stake and follow Me is not worthy of me…”
Mark 8:34-37: “…Whoever desires to come after Me, let him deny himself and take up his stake and follow Me. For whoever desires to save his life shall lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake and the Good News, he shall save it. For what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his life? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his life?”
Following Him require death to self will, the selfish life, selfish agendas, ambitions, goals, and desires … it is a life of total abandonment to the Master!

WHAT ARE THEY? Here are a few:

1) The Sword of the Spirit (Ephesians 6:17), which is the Word of Elohim. the sword is part of the High Priest’s clothing, hanging from the belt of truth.
2. The Names of Yahweh and Yahushua
3. The High Praises of Elohim in our mouth… (Psalm 149:6) Bold praise is a mighty weapon, sung or spoken
4. Declaration of Truth – Truth is our shield and buckler (Psalm 91:4) –using authority in the declarative—bold proclamation with His Spirit’s anointing
5. The gifts of the Spirit--like discernment of spirits (I Corinthians 12:1-12)
6. The tongues of angels is a powerful weapon against the enemy
7. The authority to bind and lose – to bind the strongman and to loose his affiliates to go to the “dry places” of judgment and to not return
8. The authority to use the keys OF the Kingdom of heaven to unlock the prison
doors for His people to go free
9. Hearing His voice of instruction, giving enemy positions, giving warnings
10. “Special faith” that by-passes the mind totally for powerful miracles
11. A bold anointing that runs at the enemy—empowerment by the Spirit
12. The anointing of His Presence—the enemy fears this very much

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13. Faith that is unstoppable, unmovable, stubborn—faith that overcomes
14. Knowledge of the enemy’s tactics, strategies, thinking, goals, and ways
15. Knowledge of the Captains tactics, strategies, thinking, goals and ways
16. A reputation that terrifies the enemy and paralyzes him
17) Bold proclamation of the greatness of Yahweh, and of Yahushua coming in Yahuweh’s judgment and wrath to take back the world and set up His Kingdom! Revelation 11:15 is one of the most powerful declarations on earth!
18. Revelation 12:11: “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, by the word of their testimony, and because they loved not their lives unto death”.
Three more weapons of warfare: 1) The blood of the Lamb, 2) the word of our own personal testimony of His working in our life, 3) we have no fear of death.

Note: Do NOT practice hocus pocus using the blood of Yahushua!
His blood is not an amulet against Dracula. His blood paid the price for our
redemption, to restore us to the Covenant of Yahweh. His blood must never be used in mystic occultism. The “pleading the blood” formula, used by Charismatic people to ward off the Devil is no more than a form of witchcraft. The sprinkling
of grape juice or wine, and bread-wafers, on the gates of the enemy as symbols of His blood, is also witchcraft. It is by His blood that we are restored to the Father. The righteous ones overcome by His blood, because His blood justified us before Abba! His blood paid the punishment we deserve for our sins!
We are born of the Spirit after placing their faith in the death and resurrection of Messiah. He is the slain Lamb from the foundation of the world. He is a Person. Therefore, we must be very careful not to use His means of salvation like a piece of garlic or a crucifix against a boogie man. This is blasphemous!
The “word of our testimony”--as to how He saved us from sin and damnation, and freed us from the kingdom of darkness--is a powerful weapon of warfare. The enemy is called “the accuser of the brethren”. He cannot accuse us if we have been freed from sin by the blood of the Lamb. We, instead, can tell him of his future in the lake of fire.
David ran at Goliath! He had the bold proclamation of the greatness of Abba in his mouth. He didn’t run from Goliath! Nor did he wait for Goliath to come to him. He knew well how to use his slingshot. Know well how to handle the weapons of our warfare that are not carnal! Many today know how to handle a gun, but they have no clue as how to handle the powerful weapons of the Spirit, and so will try to fight against a physical and a spiritual enemy that are both way too powerful for them, and because of prideful, childish stupidity, will perish.
David was strong in the natural and in the Spirit. He knew His Elohim. He knew Yahweh. Thus, this young kid went boldly forth to defeat an enemy that terrorized the army of Saul. But, as a shepherd, he had fought off bears and lions to protect the sheep. He was no novice! No novice should face the Goliaths to come—and there will be an army of them—giants with supernatural abilities.

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This final battle is not just against “spirits” alone – but against powerful spirits in human bodies, as well as disembodied. I’ve been confronted by some powerful disembodied spirits. But, they can take form, and they do speak, and they do have power over those who do not know Yahweh. Again, the sons of Sceva…
Demons can take flesh, and so, once again, you will face the Anakim – (Numbers 13 and 14) It is His Spirit who gives us the strength and the wisdom to defeat the enemy! He has the strategies and tactics to win!
His ways are not human ways.
II Chronicles 20: A overwhelming army was defeated by His people singing high praises to Yahweh. In Judges 7, the Gideon 300 won over insurmountable odds by crashing pitchers and holding up torches. Yahweh’s ways may seem strange, but they work. If you use head reasoning, you might think His ways are silly, and go off on your own logic and be defeated.
A good solider has to go to “boot camp” where he learns to follow orders! You
must submit yourself to letting the Spirit discipline you, train you, and prepare you to be a good servant/soldier and follow orders exactly.
As I wrote in “Scriptural Spiritual Warfare -- Part I”, you’ll never know how you’ll
react to the alligator in your path until you get out and encounter one. You will never learn spiritual warfare or get to know Him, unless you get out of your comfort zone. There is a big world out there that needs to hear about the
Savior, about His Father’s Torah, about the life of victory in obeying Yahweh. Get out and tell people!
Acts 1:8: “You shall receive power when the Set-Apart Spirit comes upon you, and you shall be My witnesses…”
You must have the Set-Apart Spirit come upon you, fill you, empower you—or else you won’t be an effective witness for Him! As you step out of your comfort zone and do something for His Kingdom, you’ll learn about yourself. You might be bold at your congregation meeting, but cower like a scared animal when anything threatening happens. How will you see your real self if you don’t get out of your security fence? I have been on six continents, into 45 countries, some many times, been in death-defying situations, and see Him work miracles. I lived in Jordan for 8 years. I travel by myself a lot. I’ve been totally dependent on Him for all my needs. I have no home of my own. I have no regular income. I have no houses or lands, not even a car. I do wish I had a car, but then where would I leave it? I’m never in one place very long. Anyway, I have to depend on Him for my protection, and my health—for everything! Thus I know Him very well. Thus I trust Him with all my heart.

***To be really honest, going up against principalities and powers, rulers of wickedness in high places, demons of all sorts, and even Lucifer himself, and overcoming, is NOT the hard part – that becomes easy with experience. The hard part is to shut down the control of the

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mind and emotions, and humbly submit to the control of Yahweh.

“The end of your faith is the salvation of the soul”. “The mind is the battlefield”. “The mind is a person’s worst enemy”. Learning to trust and not try to control is the major battle. If we don’t get this battle won, forget going against principalities and powers of the enemy.
What people do not realize is that no one really controls their own life. Either a person is controlled by Yahweh’s Spirit, or they are controlled by the flesh, which is controlled by the enemy, or they are controlled by the enemy. We are not gods. We are slaves of whatever master we submit to!

Beware! Learning spiritual warfare principles is NOT like buying a pistol to hide in your nightstand just in case a burglar breaks in.
Having knowledge that is not tested, will fail in the face of reality. The demonic world, like a vicious dog will attack if it smells fear. Fear draws demonic spirits
like a magnet--and fear gives them ever right to attack. Fear opens the doors wide to attack!
Yahweh CANNOT HELP US and WILL HELP US if we are traumatized with fear, or whining, complaining, cowering, anxious, stressed out, fretting, and verbalizing negative thoughts. HE CAN ONLY OPERATE IN
A FRAMEWORK OF FAITH! Therefore, He waits until we calm down and our faith is restored, before He does anything!!
He is not going to coddle someone who is so into their “self” that they can’t break loose of the soul’s emotional control. We must learn to only live out of our spirit—the re-born spirit that contacts the eternal realm.
Without learning from the Spirit how to use the “weapons of our warfare” that are not fleshly (carnal), one might be like a man who had a loaded pistol in his night stand. He wakes up at 2:00 AM and hears a sound downstairs. He sees his wife still in bed asleep, so he quietly grabs the pistol and creeps down the steps.
He hears clattering coming from the area of the dining room. He is scared to death. It is a burglar, his mind says. The burglar is going to kill he and his wife, his mind says. So, upon seeing movement in the darkness, he fires the gun wildly into the dark, and hears a scream. He runs down the stairs to find that he shot his oldest son, who got hungry and went downstairs to make a sandwich. His son is dead. His fear and his reasoning intellect killed him, not the bullet.

We must allow the Spirit to show us true self (Psalm 139:23-24). But, all too often, man’s pride keeps him from humbling himself to learn the truth. Because TRUTH DEMANDS CHANGE! And, statistically 95% of people do not want to change. People compare themselves to other people. Yahweh compares us to Himself. In the judgment you’ll be compared to Him—to His

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plumb line, to His standards --not your spouse, or pastor, or rabbi, or your inflated opinion of yourself.
Isaiah 66:1-2: It is to the contrite and those that tremble at His Word that He looks at, and respects…
If we tremble at His Word, we study it from cover to cover with Him as our teacher. When we come to a command that applies to us, we obey.
Having a personal, intimate, daily relationship with Yahweh is fundamental. In your time with Him alone, He will give you the enemy’s tactics, strategy and game plan. You must not go into battle without this information. He waited six days, while Moses sat in His Presence, before He spoke to Moses on the 7th day. On Shabbat, He speaks more to us than on any other day to give us our orders, assignments, warnings--and instructions for the week.
He usually wakes me up 2 hours or more early on Shabbat than on any other day. He speaks more to us between 5:00 AM and 8:00 AM on any given day. Wasting time is one of the greatest sins of all. We have so little time left. Why not get out and use your mouth to spread the Good News of Messiah, teach people the Word, change lives—do something worthwhile. Judgment is near. Idleness was one of the sins of Sodom, along with “fullness of bread”, that caused His judgment. (Ezekiel 16:49-50) Why do adults need to be entertained like babies? -- Useless waste of time. When we stand before the Judge, we will have to give account of how we used our time on earth.
In 2006, the United Nations troops in Southern Lebanon, tapped into the IDF computers, and gave the IDF positions to Hezbollah over and over. This is
Hezbollah was always ready for the IDF. The UN is a traitor to Israel. If you know well the Spirit, and are used to hearing from Him, He will give you the
enemy’s positions so that you can win every time! If you are dull of hearing from laziness, you won’t hear the positions, and so be taken over.
If you are not obeying the Word given to you daily, He won’t waste His time giving you instructions on the enemy’s position. We are servants. The servant hears many times a day what the Master is saying, and obeys.
In these last 4 months of intense obedience, going to key portals of the enemy for Abba’s purposes, I had to be in tune with Him every second. And I’ve never heard Him talk so much to give me details of what I was to do, but also of what
was ahead and how to prepare for it. He walked me through all the logistics necessary for 16 flights, in 7 countries, to 7 portals (gateways) of the enemy, to the right hotels, trains, planes, vans, cars, places to stay, and with whom. There were 14 or more trips of between 3 ½ and 5 ½ hours long. If there was a problem, He would let me know. If I was asking for something that was not to be, He was silent, but always gave me peace. He kept cutting against any rising anxiety with overpowering peace. His sense of humor is awesome, but so are His incredible warnings. I heed them immediately, and so have saved myself a lot of trouble. He was with me constantly to strength me. I was on the go so

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much, with early flights, and stressful situations. At times, I thought I couldn’t keep going at that pace. I was so exhausted a lot of the time. But, not only did He bring me through, but He brought me through with strength, joy, peace, and excitement. My friends were amazed…
I’ve faced some powerful demonic forces, forces others have seen also, some out to kill me, and quite verbal about it. But, praise of Yahweh set them flying. Sometimes, we don’t have to command them to “GO” – because if they know us, they will go as we lift our arms in praise of Abba Yahweh! We don’t have to be worn out in battle, not if we follow Abba’s leading.
The fallen angels—demons--that did not take a body, use fully human agents to do their dirty work. The Nephilim are the fallen angels who had intercourse with human women, or mixed DNA, in order to extend themselves into the earth as a new breed of being, in order to produce giants (Rephaim) and powerful “gods”—
“men of renown”--that became the gods of Egypt, Greece and Rome. (Genesis
6:2,4; Numbers 13:32-33) (Refer to: “Facing the Anakim”) We will face the Anakim once again, but those with the spirit of Caleb and Joshua will overcome!
Don’t yell at the enemy in your soul-driven emotions! Messiah didn’t yell at them—He commanded them. Don’t use silly hocus pocus formulas. You’ll get attacked. But, His Name coupled with His Word, as given to us to proclaim, is of the utmost power!
Once I was on top of the mountain in Jordan, where Eliyahu grew up—at Tishbe.
I had been bringing, at His request, His Name into places where it had never been spoken by man, or not spoken in centuries. Here on this mountain His Name had most likely not been spoken since the time of Eliyahu. I walked to the edge of a cliff, facing towards Jerusalem. There were a few clouds in the sky, but it was not a rainy day. I called out His Name loudly. As His Name left my lips, immediately a crash of thunder sounded, and rolled across the sky in the direction of Jerusalem. My two friends with me just froze…it was so awesome! Then I called out a second time, and a third time—each time, as His Name left my lips, immediately a crash of thunder sounded and rolled across the sky in the direction of Jerusalem.
He said to me not too long ago: “It is time for the watchmen to come off of the walls, for the enemy is at the gate”.
The enemy is at the gate of your life, too. If the gate is open, he’ll come in. Once in, you have a 50/50 chance of getting rid of him. Go on the offensive—shut the doors to the enemy. Don’t let him in.
Isaiah 28:5-6: “In that day, Yahweh of hosts is for a crown of splendor and a headdress of comeliness to the remnant of His people, and a spirit of right-ruling to him who sits in right-ruling, and strength to those who turn back the battle at the gate”. The word “strength” is “geburaw” (phonetic)—meaning valor, might, power, and victory.

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This is spiritual warfare: Facing the forces of Satan to deliver Yah’s people from their clutches--setting people free (deliverance)--and also opening portals for Abba’s entrance.

Ephesians 1:4: “Accordingly, He has chosen us in Him before the foundation of
the world, that we should be set-apart and blameless before Him in love”.
Philippians 2:15-16a: “Do everything without grumbling and complaining that you might be blameless and faultless in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world, holding on to the Word of life…”
II Peter 3:14: “So then, beloved ones, looking forward to this (His coming) do your utmost to be found in Him in peace, spotless and blameless”.
If we are blameless before Him, our authority is great, and the enemy fears us.
One day I was out walking in Gilo (a Jewish suburb of Jerusalem) with friends, among whom was an IDF soldier. We were walking in the outskirts of Gilo, across from Beit Jalla (a Palestinian area). There had been a lot of sniper fire by Palestinians in Beit Jalla aimed at Gilo. The IDF soldier told us: “Do not stand
still for more than three seconds. In three seconds a sniper can put you in his sites and pull the trigger”.
A good soldier doesn’t stand by idly while the enemy has a chance to fire. In Yahuweh’s army, a warrior gives no chance to the enemy. The more we are in battle and overcome, the tougher we get. The more confidence we gain in
interaction with the Commanding Officer – the more bold we are in obeying His directives without confusion, balking, whining, questioning, or making excuses.
The attitude must be that of those in Revelation 12:11: “They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, the word of their testimony, and because they loved not their lives even to death”.
Worldwide witchcraft is on the increase—a network of witches and warlocks that are dedicated to getting rid of the set-apart ones, whom they fear. The more authority one has in Yahweh, the more one draws the attacks of witches. I have suffered from attacks from witches and warlocks, and voodoo practitioners, than anything else. They know how to kill by their god’s methodology. I’ve thwarted death many times, because I know how to deliver myself. I know how to command spirits off myself, going for the strongman—the hierarch spirit over the smaller ones—and cast them off. I had two powerful witches try to kill me in France. I felt like heavy bricks were pressing on my chest and I couldn’t breathe. I began calling off spirits of death and other things, but when I called off “witchcraft”, I felt the brick-like pressure lift immediately. I was very sick from it, but I didn’t die, so they proceeded to slander me to the point where people cancelled meetings, and feared me—I lost friends, who believed these pretending-to-be Messianic people were good.

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Once Abba spoke to me: “Christianity is the mask of Satan”… that’s in II Corinthians 11:13-15: “For such are false ministers, deceptive workers, masquerading as ministers of Messiah. And no wonder! For Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light! It is not surprising then if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness…”

Everyone who is born of the Spirit, and filled with the Spirit, can do spiritual warfare, but within the boundaries for which they have authority backing from Abba. All can do spiritual warfare over themselves, their family, and those that ask. Begin small, but begin…